Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do you think women artists are drawn to you as a dealer because of your sex ?
2 ‘ As long as the patients are volunteers and the risks are explained to them before the operation , I can see no objection myself . ’
3 This is consistent given that in the case of intention , and all other mental capacities , those of animals are viewed by him as ‘ models ’ of human mental capacities ’ ( 75 ) .
4 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
5 A ranked output IR system such as Okapi can also use several other kinds of knowledge about words to modify the way in which weights are assigned to them in an individual search .
6 Such banquets are portrayed for us on the Bayeux Tapestry , or at least the early stages of them .
7 ‘ I believe that babies and children are hard done by where food and cookery is concerned because not enough books are published with them in mind .
8 The words were flung at her like an accusation of felony .
9 The words were propelled at them like stones from a sling : a direct hit would have killed a bear .
10 These words were spoken to me with a strong American accent .
11 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
12 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
13 from Northern Ireland there 's big Billy Hamilton … he 's an old Oxford favourite … the fans were calling for him on saturday … he 's done well with Distillery …
14 But he was struggling to score goals and the fans were turning against him until New Year 's Day 1991 .
15 I wondered if , in view of the physical demands being placed on her by a tour on such a large scale , it was necessary to ‘ work out ’ .
16 Blix warned that the agency was experiencing serious financial difficulty as a result of the ever-increasing demands being made on it without adequate financial provision and because many members were failing to pay their annual contributions in full .
17 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
18 Kids were pushing past me down the corridor , all shouting and yelling to each other , and Kevin was carried along with them .
19 A wide selection of mustards were supplied to us by Arran Provisions , Colman 's and Burnham Mustards
20 As many teachers were unable to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society when formal thanks were given and a presentation made to Hilary Weedon on the completion of her four year term of office as Chairman of the Executive Committee special thanks were given to her by Betty Syrett on behalf of the teachers .
21 Davis touched his forelock and then glanced towards the Oaks , as though conscious that George 's eyes were fixed on him with a disturbing intensity .
22 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
23 David 's eyes were fixed on her with an intensity she had n't seen before .
24 She sat quite still and her eyes were fixed on me with a curious , dark look of sympathy mixed with something else .
25 Seven pairs of eyes were looking at him with open hostility , even the youngest 's who was not yet four .
26 My eyes were drawn to it as if the Officer had left part of himself here on the grass .
27 Some relatively soft Egyptian alabaster was imported and at least forty vases were made from it by Minoan craftsmen .
28 Now , as a background to that , I actually had one of my officers at undertake research of the in to establish what the demands were made upon us from th the section which includes at the present time .
29 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
30 ‘ Two reasons : first , because they moved here , the Sardinians , to find pasture when the land they had grazed for centuries was taken from them for development — the Costa Smeralda , etcetera .
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