Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 In this type of survey a sample of people is recruited to a panel and their attitudes are surveyed at different times .
2 Provided that news bulletins are shown at agreed times across the country , for example at 5.45pm and 10pm , this is no problem .
3 Predictably , the basic patterns are inherited from colonial times and often ( at some remove ) from the English Board Schools of the early 1900's ; hence the three term year , the five day week , the six or seven year cycle , the age five or six entry , the forty minute period .
4 Now we , we do know that 's a problem , the police service know it 's a problem , and the Chief Constable 's come up with these er these performance targets , where he 's try he 's promising to the public that he 's going to endeavour to make sure that all police telephone calls are answered within certain time periods .
5 For example , VCR products are growing at three times the rate of other audiovisual products ( Ohmae 1985 ) .
6 If these anomalies are detected in good time the parents can receive counselling and the subsequent management of the pregnancy can be planned , so reducing the national perinatal mortality rate .
7 MPower 's SharedWhiteBoard lets shared images be annotated in real time .
8 Both these words were used in medieval times ; and we can understand the word knacker as an equivalent for harness-maker when we learn that it comes from an Icelandic root , knakkr , meaning a saddle .
9 The backs of my legs were trembling at that time , but this was probably as much due to the cold as to the feeling of betrayal that had invaded my being .
10 To this a variety of solutions were given at different times .
11 The lack of a licence in Barlow Clowes ' early years may or may not have made a difference to the way investors ' funds were handled during that time .
12 That purpose rapidly became defunct , but the afforestation continued with thousands of acres being planted since that time , at the expense of many of our ancient broadleaved woodlands that nurture diversity .
13 The NKLP had been formed in August 1946 with the unification of the Korean Communist Party and the Yenan Independence Alliance ; numerous small left-wing parties were absorbed at that time or subsequently .
14 Random Century is currently reissuing Johns 's Biggles books , without certain racial terms , even though the books were written during colonial times when attitudes were different .
15 Depression in the previous twelve months was experienced by three times more women who had experienced maternal loss or separation ( of at least one year ) in childhood than by women with no such childhood experiences .
16 It is of particular value where international companies are working in different time zones and the telephone is not always a convenient method of communication .
17 The opportunity was taken to get further information from customers about volumes and types of transactions being processed at these times .
18 The ‘ golden age ’ of the English funeral , as far as undertaking techniques were concerned , was the period from 1725 to 1775 and most of the finest extant coffins in public and private vaults were made during that time .
19 The same workers are investigated at different times of the day .
20 Hep3B total cell lysates were prepared at various time intervals after IL-6 stimulation .
21 Initial training was always provided on a one-to-one basis because workers were recruited at different times to perform tasks of varying types .
22 Hence : ‘ Many now forget that the rules of most sports were framed in Victorian times without resort to enforcement then ‘ in ’ , and were n't prison sentences then stiffer ?
23 Indeed one can safely say that almost all of our roads and tracks were used in medieval times and perhaps most were also used in the prehistoric period as well .
24 The support facilities on shore for a 200-machine 600 MW cluster of wind generators would be around £25 million while transmission costs were estimated at four times that for a conventional 600 MW power station ( all at mid-1979 prices ) .
25 These differences are an indication of the unique way in which each individual is responding to the circumstances in which he finds himself and of the state of that person as a whole , that is they show how his healing powers are operating at that time .
26 If these conditions are found in good time , treatment is usually straightforward and almost always effective .
27 More rarely , such stories are told at other times to demonstrate the reverse : that policemen and women are human beings and are affected by emotionally demanding work .
28 Gottlieb and Kalay ( 1985 ) and Ball ( 1988 ) have demonstrated that the imposition of minimum price fluctuations ( the tick size ) induces leptokurtosis in the distribution of price changes , particularly when the changes are measured over short time intervals .
29 Many other surveys were conducted at this time , employing the newly re-established social science departments , which had been inactive for over two decades .
30 Quite how these three lanes were deployed in Minoan times is not certain , though the differences in level imply that the central lane was kept dry in wet weather by draining to the side lanes .
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