Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 The hackers were surpassing themselves in the inventive ways they hit the ball badly , and often , and in the wrong direction .
2 In the extracts from cases and other materials which follow , where the term ‘ sovereignty ’ is used , the judges or writers are using it in the sense of supremacy .
3 The effect of all such variations was to make it in the interests of publishers not to specialize in one type of paper but , as they did increasingly over the post-war decades , to spread their interests across morning , evening and weekly papers — and , in a few cases , Sundays .
4 By October local players were establishing themselves in the City reserves .
5 Then , scientists were to puncture them in the leg with a large hypodermic to extract a sample of muscle tissue .
6 This is the question an increasing number of consumers are asking themselves in the financially straitened Nineties .
7 Thus , a number of professors of English and other influential educationalists were addressing themselves in the altered postwar environment to the issue of the disciplinary revisions required in order to produce " enlightened " bureaucrats , administrators , and teachers .
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