Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] only [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We must be careful with this argument because it is sometimes based on anatomical studies that have used insensitive methods or only a partial consideration of the data .
2 Difficulties only arise when dieters get it into their heads that only a certain source of protein is acceptable and therefore restrict the overall range .
3 A Department of the Environment report on eleven such schemes found that there was often little or no consultation with tenants over the future of their homes and only a small proportion of the purchasers were local authority tenants or people on the council waiting list .
4 The second involves the settling of cells onto a slide surface through a sucrose , saline or other solution , and has been used principally for oocytes , but may be useful for spermatocytes if only a thin suspension is available .
5 When we introduced lexical stress we found that all content words but only a small proportion of function words were marked for lexical stress , and that the number of word paths was reduced primarily because these function words no longer matched parts of content words .
6 It should not be a series of coded sign-posts that only a small élite can decode and which lead us round and round in circles .
7 A flight crossing several time zones but only a short visit
8 She had no paper qualifications , no special skills and only a vague notion that she wanted to work with children .
9 Since the whole edition was of only one thousand copies and only a small number had been circulated when the suppression was ordered , this is obviously a rare book and one that is likely to be costly unless the seller is ignorant of its history .
10 As it is , we are given five pages which briefly outline the genesis and original publication of the seven essays and only the briefest contextualisation of the pieces within a broader historical framework .
11 This ability removes the restriction on context-free grammars that only a finite set of grammatical categories are allowed .
12 That did not mean much , since Kursk was itself a drowsy centre with almost no factories and only the main railway line from Moscow to enliven it .
13 Day-trippers and weekend visitors have filled the streets and riverside paths every summer for more than sixty years but only a tiny percentage are aware of the village 's remarkable gastronomic distinction , about which most communities would continually drum up a publicity fanfare .
14 Certain premises are excluded from the Act , e.g. small family businesses where only the immediate family are employed .
15 This may be bad news if you do not have sufficient continuous service to qualify for rights if only the statutory period is added , although you would have had sufficient service if the longer notice period to which you are entitled under your contract were added .
16 Palmerston was clearly satisfied with Scott 's plan and layout and regarded the provision of classical elevations as only a minor revision .
17 It appeared from the poor showing of the pro-CPSU communists in the elections that a surprisingly large number of Russians had voted for Sajudis-backed candidates , or had boycotted the voting in overwhelmingly Russian-populated constituencies where only a pro-CPSU communist was standing .
18 The clock had been removed for repairs and only a small hook remained in the wall .
19 Artists can be at a disadvantage in group exhibitions as only a small part of their activity can be seen .
20 For many years banks offered no interest on sight deposits and only a token rate of interest on time deposits .
21 Anything I have accomplished in that time ranks as only a minor contribution compared with the achievements of the Fast Reactor research and development team , ’ she said .
22 There are fewer contexts where only the bare infinitive seems appropriate .
23 It is important to remember that there are certain contexts where only the strong form is acceptable , and others where the weak form is the normal pronunciation .
24 The St Petersburg mayor , Anatoly Sobchak , made an individual request for food aid from the EC on Sept. 16 , and Ivan Silayev , chair of the Interim Economic Council , had asked for between ECU5,000 million and 6,000 million in aid from the EC on Sept. 9 , although it was unclear whether this was on behalf of all the republics or only the Russian Federation .
25 Reasoning that the very nature of Doctor Who would mean scenes at the beginning and end of serials where only the regular cast were involved , this element became almost a prerequisite to production .
26 Further validation is needed , says the NII , before it will accept CEGB assurances that only a limited number of rods will experience significant ballooning .
27 John Mackintosh then argued strongly , right up to his death , for a ‘ Yes ’ vote in the referendum on the grounds that only a Scottish Assembly , however imperfect , could sort out the anomalies with Westminster .
28 She was far to the west of her east European breeding grounds and only the third spring red-breasted flycatcher record for Spurn .
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