Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb past] down to the " in BNC.

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1 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
2 Michele lifted out Luce 's bag , passed her the crutch , and , having handed over the car keys , led her through the crush of people and vehicles to the steps that ran down to the Grand Canal .
3 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
4 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
5 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
6 He managed to murmur Mayli 's name , then closed his eyes and slid down to the floor .
7 At the well they left their books and went down to the shore .
8 Jessica got to her knees , holding herself and snorting , then staggered to her feet and ran down to the water .
9 As Vimla pirouetted , pulling her sari over her head in a parody of the Dance of the Seven Veils , Chaman Guru put down the cymbals and got down to the serious business of collecting money .
10 They gathered their possessions and moved down to the cold , deserted taproom .
11 ‘ The floorboards that went down to the water with Harry , they stayed under .
12 I put both hands on the rails and vaulted down to the accommodation deck .
13 Feeling restless once her hair was dried , she donned a shirt and a pair of trousers and nipped down to the foyer to post the card she had written to her parents .
14 But , as she gazed around at the chintz sofas , and the French-provincial-style velvet-upholstered dining-room chairs — which she could see through a far open doorway — it occurred to Laura that maybe it was the only way to preserve such sumptuous furnishings on a shoreline likely to be damp and salty in the latter part of the year , while , outside the large windows , she could see automatic sprinklers drenching the fine green lawns that ran down to the beach .
15 Flat roofs are laid with a slight slope so that rainwater can be collected by conventional gutters and led down to the drains .
16 If he 's been largely absent from the small screen for the last two years ( the South Bank Show spoof , Norbert Smith , was a revamp of an old idea ) , that 's because he 's unplugged the phone , taken time out with his two old drinking pals and got down to the serious business of mucking about .
17 Turning , she rushed to the stairs and started down to the ground floor .
18 ‘ For years we had been trying to lower and streamline the bonnets of front-engined cars and the mid-engined configuration allowed us to obtain an extremely low nose , deeply recessed between sculpted front wings that sloped down to the headlights , which were contained in a plexiglass fairing to continue the line .
19 Thomas rose and beckoned Corbett over to one of the arrow-slit windows and pointed down to the winding River Lauder .
20 The limestone scarps that rushed down to the sea and broke up into islands hung over the town , dripping green and yellow trees .
21 On the ground their scudding shadows dappled the hills , hills that tumbled down to the ragged but level line , where the uplands ended and the deep gorge-like valleys began .
22 There were three hangars on the far side , buildings with curved roofs that extended down to the ground , camouflaged against cameras in the sky .
23 Every morning the full tribe got the pots , pans and went down to the river , washed , got the clean water , carried back and they lived well .
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