Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The fault is not entirely that of the sanitary authorities or of the immediate landlords
2 The great majority of their courses , whether in business and management studies , the sciences and technologies or in the social sciences , prepare students for specific career outlets ; thus modern language courses for the most part give attention to the practical application of the language with a view to the student 's ultimate employment , for example as an interpreter , while courses in social science often include options in such areas as community work , social planning , industrial relations , and public administration .
3 The P/E ratio may be selected from newspapers and published financial statements for similar individual entities or from the relevant industry sector statistics .
4 A public relations executive , Subba Row was a skilful diplomat accustomed to getting his own way and his methods did not always appeal to some of the county clubs or to the elder statesmen of MCC .
5 Attach the remaining side of touch-and-close fastener to the front edge of the batten with steel tacks or along the top back edge of batten if fitting outside a reveal .
6 The sort of shade I mean is the dappled shade cast by mature apple trees and maples or by the high branches of an oak .
7 ( a ) Conventions are non-legal rules of constitutional behaviour which are considered to be binding upon those who operate the constitution but which are not enforced by the courts or by the presiding officers in Parliament .
8 Conventions of the Constitution are most aptly described as rules that are considered binding by and upon those who are responsible for making the Constitution work , but rules that are not enforced by the courts or by the presiding officers in either house of Parliament .
9 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
10 It should be noted , however , that there were several branches of the Leapor family in Brackley , and that the same Christian names were repeated over generations or within the same generation to such an extent that it is difficult to separate families , or even to identify individuals .
11 During the sixteenth century Myddle was essentially a society consisting of numerous smallholders and a few large farmers , but from the second half of Elizabeth 's reign onwards poor immigrants came into the parish in search of labouring work and the opportunity to erect a cottage in the woods or on the manorial wastes .
12 Here leisurely days are the keynote — relax among the fragrant pine woods or on the dazzling beaches , watch the gentle seas turn from pale to dark translucent shades of blue .
13 Some years ago much interest was shown in the production of Single Cell Protein ( SCP ) either by the bacterial degradation of oil products or by the intensive culturing of algae in a medium containing inorganic nitrogen compounds .
14 In explanations of fewer days lost through strikes , in comment on superior quality products or in the relative ease with which robots are introduced into factories , workplace harmony is a common thread .
15 Whether this comes from the apparent tolerance in the Eastern religions or from the Western dismissal of absolutes , the relativism of modern truth has a strongly corrosive effect on historic Christian conviction .
16 Pope John was not weak , was not a compromiser , was not indulgent towards erroneous opinions or towards the so-called inevitability of history etc .
17 Guests often spend as much time here as in the well-appointed lounges or at the friendly bar , before dining in the attractive restaurant which offers a choice of menu .
18 But it would be wrong to stress either in the middle ages or in the sixteenth century — the significance of parliamentary opposition .
19 Bake at 180C/350F/Gas 4 for 25 minutes or until the top springs back when pressed with a finger .
20 In the 1983 Report this was changed to ‘ East European non-market economies ’ and by 1988 the communist countries were either scattered in the ‘ developing economies ’ groups or under the anodyne label of ‘ nonreporting nonmembers ’ .
21 Whether of the early Imperial centuries or from the later periods of the fourth and fifth centuries , Aphrodisian portrait sculpture stands out among the best , especially in the intensity displayed by the late-Roman physiognomies .
22 Well , we have n't had a single row er between the political parties or between the young people involved so far .
23 For the adolescent boy or girl , the confusion may be worsened by growing evidence for him or her that previous ideas and attitudes , based entirely on childhood experience , may not be appropriate in his or her new relationships or in the new society of which the youngster is now accepted as part .
24 You only have to look around to assent to the truth of this bitter observation : contamination is the norm , corruption is the accepted social lubricant , deceit the everyday fuel , whether in the intimacy of personal relationships or in the public arena of the affairs of state .
25 Attempts to delay stent clogging by prescribing long term antibiotics or by the mucolytic action of aspirin have met with little success , though recent studies suggest that silver impregnation of the stent and omitting side holes may be helpful .
26 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
27 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
28 The vesicles are often found on the labia or around the vaginal entrance .
29 In addition , two other courses are taken which may be chosen from a wide range of other science subjects or from the Social Sciences or Arts .
30 Comparing the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome , there was no difference in gastrin and somatostatin cell densities or in the fasting serum gastrin concentration .
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