Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Students wishing to apply for a loan should request an Eligibility Questionnaire from one of these offices and at the same time make an appointment to obtain an Eligibility Certificate .
2 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
3 This year BMW will make about 580,000 cars and for the first time outstrip Mercedes .
4 Teachers are told that what they do is vitally important , that they alone can translate and extend the National Curriculum into rich comprehensive learning opportunities and at the same time that they can not be trusted to do the job .
5 The Lord Chancellor has publicly invited the profession to put forward its own proposals for savings and in the little time allowed , the following package has now been put to the Lord Chancellor .
6 Freud , as suggested in Chapter 2 , argued that the state and politics are transferred father figures : organisations and people on whom those with little power and authority can depend for safeguards while at the same time suffering imposed personal restrictions .
7 By turning a blind eye to the activities of moderate Puritan laymen and clergy while at the same time dealing harshly with Presbyterian extremists , king and archbishop ensured that the first fifteen years of Abbot 's primacy were some of the most tranquil in the religious sphere during the entire century following the break with Rome ( see Chapter 7 ) .
8 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
9 The mid-century gold rush to Australia added further to the supply of diamonds , but it was the development of the South African mines that for the first time brought a dramatic increase in the volume of production .
10 Computers , especially microcomputers and terminals with monitors , have been claimed to be harmful to the health of the operator because of radioactive emissions although at the present time there does not appear to be any conclusive proof that a real danger to health exists .
11 It is thus clear on the basis of all these authorities that at the present time universities can create a jurisdiction for the visitor which excludes the concurrent and appellate jurisdiction of the courts .
12 Miss Picon and her husband were so profoundly affected by their experiences that for a long time after their return to New York they were unable to work .
13 This increases oxygen to the painful areas and at the same time removes the stagnant toxic wastes such as lactic and carbonic acids which build up in the muscle fibres .
14 In rebuilding , the aim was to reduce the width of such turnings into residential areas and at the same time to achieve an optical signal that the restraint area had begun .
15 She had a thriving business in Wallingford High Street , before the recession hit her customers pockets and at the same time sent her overheads soaring .
16 It is crucial that researchers aim to be more participative in the way they frame research questions and their methodologies and at the same time be more sympathetic to the subject(s) they are researching .
17 The Legion was formed on 10 March 1831 by royal decree of Prince Louis-Philippe , who saw it as a good way of clearing Paris of undesirable elements and at the same time providing free labour to defend and build France 's new colonial empire .
18 Cheryl decided that as Angela would be away all afternoon and Mrs. Yatton wanted her shoes for the weekend , she would go into Linby and fetch the shoes and at the same time collect the signalling flags , if Jessica had found them .
19 The couple begin to lead separate lives and for the first time there is public concern over the marriage .
20 For example The promise given by Dewey not to alter the subject numbers obviously has clear advantages but at the same time has built-in disadvantages .
21 Such features are not consistent with the idea that the peninsula was built by longshore drift from the east , unless such drift was active only for short periods while during the intervening time the drift was predominantly from the west .
22 By locating the opposition between defamiliarization and automatization within the work itself , the Formalists were able to maintain the specifically literary nature of their concerns while at the same time avoiding an intransigent art-for-art 's sake position .
23 Erm on paragraph twenty erm the government 's proposals will penalise all the camping which takes place outside recognised sites while at the same time I 've already said , removing any incentive or obligation for local authorities to provide enough sites anyway so i it 's , it 's a a total squeeze that on the one hand the government is restricting the number of pitches and then penalising everybody who has n't got one !
24 He can not profess , as he likes to do , his respect for the autonomy of academic institutions and at the same time seek to limit their management discretion .
25 Money markets are therefore a device which has grown up to adjust liquidity principally between financial institutions and at the same time enables a return on deposits to be maximised .
26 There had still been nothing of that kind from John 's kidnappers and for the first time I began to have serious doubts about whether he was alive ; I began to feel less sure of it deep inside , where it mattered .
27 She managed throughout the following years to maintain a front of firmness and dignity , earning the respect of the Germans and at the same time extracting the best terms she could for Sark and its people , with whom she shared the hunger and other privations of occupation , the anxieties engendered by two unsuccessful British commando raids , and the pain of separation when many islanders , including her husband , were deported to German prison camps .
28 It constitutes an offering to the Gods , or universal forces , to sustain them in their task of maintaining the world , directing its manifold generative activities and at the same time ensuring protection against the sometimes malevolent forces of the Graha , or nine planets .
29 Indeed , much ‘ practical ’ scientific learning in a western education system takes place in a laboratory where students imitate , learn concrete activities and at the same time are assumed to be developing logical and abstracting abilities .
30 One of the problems is that the Government 's momentum to privatise was determined for ideological reasons and on a tight time scale .
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