Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 The most lethal amphibian venom of all is secreted by tiny arrow-poison frogs that clamber about in the leaves littering the floor of the South American rain forests .
2 Is not that comment on security even more staggering than the bombs that go off in the city , although all such bombings are to be condemned and deplored ?
3 There are a series of peaks that show up in the detector like a range of mountains as there are lots of gamma rays at different energies coming from the many naturally radioactive materials that are all around and within us .
4 And then any extra specials that come up in the meantime , they would send out send out a wee typewritten sheet you see .
5 it 's all these odd ideas that go around in the barbaric south that 's the trouble !
6 I get into impossible scrapes but win through in the end .
7 As much because of what is left unsaid as because of what is directly described , The Albatross is one of those exceptions which suggest that the junior adventure story has always suffered under unnecessary limitations : the names that stand out in the genre are those who in various ways have ignored or overridden these limitations .
8 A readable picture can be subtle and delicate , with the viewer slowly discovering details that linger on in the mind ’ ( ibid .
9 Is there any chance you could run a page or so every now and then to explain a few of the terms that crop up in the reviews ?
10 I had learnt how to take orders and get up in the morning since I had gone to boarding school at age seven .
11 He asked , with relish , ‘ Ever seen mushrooms that light up in the dark ?
12 The time-travellers manage to escape from the Aridians and take off in the TARDIS , but the Dalek time-ship is in hot pursuit .
13 There was a girl at work who said she loved the rain — she would dress up in a mac and goloshes and tramp around in the rain just for pleasure .
14 ( I suspect it 's his way of getting some vegetables down me considering the number of soft , plump leaves that end up in the bottom of my cup when the pot gets to be half full of the things .
15 The occasions that stand out in the three decades of our post-imperial era are : Duncan Sandys ' 1957 decision to recommend the end of National Service , which almost halved the Army ; the Kennedy/Macmillan Polaris agreement at Nassau in 1962 that led to the RAF losing responsibility to the Royal Navy for the British nuclear deterrent ; Denis Healey 's scrapping of the TSR2 in 1965 , which threatened to ‘ unhorse ’ the RAF 's knights ; his cancellation of the aircraft-carrier replacement programme in 1966 , which did much the same thing to the Royal Navy ; and John Nott 's attempt in 1981 to maintain the strength of the Rhine Army and RAF Germany at the expense of our maritime capability .
16 She went vaguely back to occasional journalism and found it increasingly difficult to sleep in the evenings and get up in the mornings .
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