Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , their main , if not their only , function is to serve as ‘ relays ’ — human boosters for the faint , unfocused signals that pass for communication in the traditional pre-information organization .
2 A statement said that the IAEA had conducted an extensive inspection of the two units that remain in action at the Kozloduy station on the Danube .
3 Pity the poor student faced , last year , with something close to 2000 books that deal with psychology in some way or other .
4 Julie McCann is the idealist who believes that there will be everlasting lightbulbs and cars that run on water after the revolution .
5 Using the Far Western assay coupled with the LZ competition assay we have been able distinguish between bZIP proteins that dimerise with CREB through the leucine zipper and other proteins that bind to CREB independently of the leucine zipper .
6 Identification of proteins that interact with CREB during differentiation of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells
7 The creation and keeping of records in a local authority takes place in a very specific political , legal and geographical context — with all the social and cultural connotations that come with records-keeping in the public domain .
8 We and others have shown that both duodenal ulcer patients and healthy volunteers with H pylori have increased basal and meal stimulated gastrin concentrations that fall after eradication of the infection .
9 As soon as he was satisfied that all was well , he laid back his ears and set to work on the grass .
10 Dulé was to slip into the sea , then , binding the container of burning pitch to his head with a deep cushioning of reeds in between to prevent him getting burned , he would swim to the ship , gouge a hole in the hull with his knife and , taking dry tinder from a companion swimming alongside him , light spills from the fire and pass them through the walls of the ship , then slip back under the cover of the mangroves and lie in wait for the panic .
11 Others , such as Ealing Public Library , made a formal arrangement to carry Mudie 's books and act as agent for them .
12 The incident mentioned by the hon. Lady is clearly deplorable , as are the deportations that occur from time to time and the closures of universities , about which we have also protested .
13 On an average Sunday , more people hear these two programmes than go to church in the whole of Britain .
14 ‘ M'kata was a natural , one of those geniuses that emerge from time to time in the game .
15 The major changes affecting reporting accountants are the introduction of rules bringing controlled trust accounts within the scope of the accountant 's report , and changes to one of the rules that relate to interest on client money .
16 The two roads that go by way of Anglet , a suburb which has accumulated to fill in the gap between the two towns , are no better than functional .
17 Surfaces that come into contact with hands , such as light switches , telephone handsets , door handles , drawers , refrigerator panels and machine controls , may build up levels of contamination that can temporarily overcome skin defences and so cause the transfer of potentially harmful microorganisms to food .
18 Gardens of England & Wales lists over 2,800 gardens that open in aid of the National Gardens Scheme , 574 for the first time .
19 ( c ) Overseas Central Banks and International Institutions — the Bank holds accounts for a variety of international financial organisations , including the World Bank , the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) and the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , and organises international transactions that originate from intervention in exchange markets .
20 In briefing senior managers about appearing on television , for example , attention must be paid to many of the aspects of communication which have been considered in this assignment — the importance of appearance and hair style , the use of non-verbal language , choice of words , tone , pauses and so on : some of the many and complex elements that combine as part of what we call ‘ communication ’ .
21 Wherever you travel , you will find you are never far from buildings , monuments and ruins that stand as testimony to earlier times .
22 Vlok announced on March 11 that the townships of Alexandra , Tembisa , Meadowlands , Diepkloof , Soweto and Dobsonville had been declared unrest areas and place under curfew between the hours of 9.00 p.m. and 4.00 a.m .
23 Place quenelles of meringue on individual plates and decorate with custard on one side , fruit coulis on the other .
24 Civil servants speak Ukrainian to visitors and talk in Russian among themselves .
25 ‘ The only thing the Met-does best is beat up blacks and sit in front of bloody computers planning how to crush the coming riots of Thatcher 's underclass . ’
26 Determine offences and decide on compliance with technical standards .
27 McCann explores the backgrounds , inner conflicts and rise to stardom of the three , comparing their tormented relation to Hollywood and each other .
28 Perhaps one of the most disturbing elements of black youth 's attraction to sport is that they tend to eschew more ‘ earthly ’ pursuits and go in search of sporting success .
29 Once the sun goes down you can enjoy dinner in Maravilla 's own restaurant , then sip cocktails and listen to music in the Honolulu Bar .
30 These worms have large buccal capsules and feed by ingestion of plugs of mucosa as they move over the surface of the intestine .
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