Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Already there are suggestions from Australia that the Raiders ' post-Grand Final party lasted all the way to Manchester , in other words that their preparation for the game was not as dedicated as it might have been .
2 They fell much in love , and her father gave her a fine dowry of fat lake-cattle and his blessing for a happy marriage , with the proviso that the groom never raise his hand to the water-fairy .
3 Studies of ethnic retailing examine how it fits into overall shopping patterns and its potential for the maintenance of retail centres in inner urban areas .
4 A question remains about the impact of this forceful intervention on the family and the caregivers and its significance for the subsequent course of events in Michael 's life .
5 What I did not realise then — but what I would discover the moment I embarked on my journey to those front doors — was that I had touched upon the essence of the Arab–Israeli war ; that while the existence of the Palestinians and their demand for a nation lay at the heart of the Middle East crisis , it was the contradiction inherent in the claims to ownership of the land of Palestine — the ‘ homeland ’ of the Jews in Balfour 's declaration — which generated the anger and fear of both Palestinians and Israelis .
6 The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme .
7 Gramsci 's Prison Notebooks represent not only a stirring monument to the human spirit under adversity , but a significant turning-point in the history of Marxist ideas and their relevance for the twentieth century .
8 When they were younger , Doctor Jekyll talked to Doctor Lanyon and explained his ideas and his search for a drug that could separate the two sides of a person 's character .
9 A strong contracting framework will be coordinated right across the NHS , balancing the increased responsibilities and power of general practitioners and their accountability for the outcome of the care they provide .
10 Critics have sniped that the dividing line between the political and the profit motive has never been too sharply defined on Hamnett 's agenda , a feeling provoked by such off-the-cuff comments as her enthusiasm for an idea that will ‘ make me rich and wo n't hurt animals ’ .
11 Lastly , I think Jim Perrin is being more than generous to suggest that climbers and walkers have an exemplary record in observing agreements and their respect for the environment .
12 If a horse is frightened , particularly a foal , it will rush back to the other horses or its dam for the psychological comfort of contact .
13 And her diary reveals claims that her request for a purely platonic friendship had been loosely interpreted by Gerald .
14 The pilot was being treated for suspected internal injuries and his passenger for a suspected broken arm and ribs .
15 But advocates of PR said afterwards that the issue would not go away : Labour has yet to decide its preferred method of electing its proposed regional assemblies and its replacement for the House of Lords .
16 And not just in the context of G.W. Fashions and their suitability for a mass market , but in a simple design sense .
17 You must also take full responsibility for your choice of components and their suitability for the job .
18 But the fact that the PSBR for the current year has looked like falling short of the Chancellor 's revised forecast of £37 billion had persuaded some analysts that his estimate for the coming year would turn out little , if any , more than last November 's Treasury forecast of £44 billion .
19 In particular ( and his present position seems to indicate Gale 's earlier predilections and his fitness for the task ) , he examines Charles 's worldwide correspondence , his ability to charm others into working for him , his capacity for synthesising from others ' data and conclusions .
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