Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Used for pelmets and in a finer quality for curtain headings .
2 Ultrasonic waves are sound waves but of a higher frequency ( pitch ) than the human ear can hear .
3 Some magnetic mounts could be done in order to fully utilise all available units but with a larger proportion of the work going to the faster unit .
4 In his key he differentiates them on the number of arm spines and suggested that A. grandis could be separated from A. otteri by its ridged proximal ventral arm plates and by a lower number of arm spines .
5 Also included in the IFM recommendations are a national angling centre with teaching facilities and offices and continuing the use of Anglers Consultative Associations but with a wider range of representaion of angling interests .
6 The management accountant will use the financial accounts and to a greater extent the cost accounts to prepare the necessary financial information for management decisions .
7 I shall discuss later the theoretical objections to technological determinism ; Goody in any case recognises the dangers and in a later essay himself rejects such determinism , refuting the claims that this is what he was doing .
8 It was noted earlier that Hare in 1969 had noted how geography often endeavours to stay out of phase with the climate of the times and in a later paper ( Hare , 1980 ) he directed attention to whether the planetary environment was fragile or sturdy .
9 A diet low in saturated fats and with a higher percentage of polyunsaturates ( just like the diet you were on ) has been shown to help premenstrual breast tenderness .
10 After the death of old Daniel , the five year lease was carried on by old Smythe who renewed it for a further term of two years though at a lower rental .
11 In most respects , Britain spent a smaller proportion of the annual budget on welfare than did continental European countries with a system financed from contributory sources or with a greater mix of public and private provision .
12 ND argued for more free-market economic policies and deep cuts in government spending , while Pasok and Synaspismos called for the preservation of welfare provisions and for a higher productivity in the public sector .
13 As their education and knowledge increase they are pressing more and more each year for better social conditions and for a larger share in the fruits of industry .
14 Factory wages enabled young men and women to become economically independent of their families and some of them broke away completely , but most town dwellers maintained their family connections and were careful to preserve links not only with their immediate relatives but with a wider range of kin .
15 They showed that subjects given verbal pre-training with one set of stimuli learn the appropriate motor response more rapidly to these stimuli than to a further set introduced for the first time in the test phase .
16 There is no significant difference in long term survival between Child 's A and B patients except for a higher mortality in the first two months after surgery in Child 's B ( six of 19 v three of 24 ) ; this largely accounts for the difference in the overall survival between the surgery and sclerotherapy groups .
17 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
18 The advantages of team teaching , for instance , include the fact that the teacher is no longer dependent on his own wit and abilities , nor on his own lobbying power ; the team can plan with more flexibility and more confidence , drawing on the insights and specialist skills of its members and with a broader knowledge of what the pupils are receiving and needing .
19 As Heather Joshi has estimated ( see Chapter 8 here ) , women returning to work after a period caring for children or at a later stage of the life cycle are likely to re-enter the labour market at lower rates of pay .
20 Woods and Rawlings ( 1989 ) also point out that genetic engineering has considerable application in this field by developing improved strains of the relevant bacteria which are more efficient , can operate on a wider variety of substrates and in a wider variety of environmental conditions .
21 They could , however , volunteer for work , which entitled them to wages and to a better diet ( the same as convicted prisoners ) .
22 School-based choices about curriculum and curricular goals have given way to external requirements and to a greater measure of centralized uniformity .
23 In sum , therefore , an attendance rate of 90% does not mean that 10% of pupils are absent ; the missing 10% could come from a small number of pupils with lengthy absences or from a higher percentage of pupils with brief absences .
24 For such borrowers the use of syndicated loans enables the managing bank to obtain funds more quickly , in greater amounts and at a lower cost than would be the case in conducting separate negotiations with up to fifty lending banks .
25 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
26 Handwriting recognition systems experience similar errors to those of OCR systems but to a greater degree .
27 They conclude : They also suggest , following Gelles and Cornell ( 1985 ) , that child abuse is not a manifestation of something qualitatively different , or resulting from the fundamentally abnormal , but that parents and families are simply experiencing the same problems as others but to a greater degree .
28 Maternal weight increases , not simply by the weight of child and amniotic fluid and extra weight of the breasts but by a further amount of around 4 kilogrammes .
29 Most people still find work in the same towns but in a greater variety of industries .
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