Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] them with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Failure to achieve this goal at the outset may result in a patient who depends on others for insulin injections , misses injections or does them with a very poor technique .
2 Why did the banks cheerfully lend billions to a man who would never open the family books or provide them with a balance sheet ?
3 What left his stamp on the stewardship of our movement was that he held to these passions so tenaciously and yet drew on inner reserves that illumined them with an unshakeable commitment to excellence and that rarest of all qualities personal integrity .
4 Taczek took off his spectacles and polished them with a handkerchief .
5 Use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris from between the key caps and clean them with a suitable solution .
6 The investors do not perceive the warranties as providing them with a course of action , but as a way for management to confirm the business plan and the facts of the accountants ' report ; and provide as much information as possible about the business to be purchased .
7 Furthermore , the idea of network impinges fairly closely on the notion of sociolinguistic functions , as we have presented this in chapter 2 , because it is a fundamental postulate of network analysis that individuals create personal communities that provide them with a meaningful framework for solving the problems of their day-to-day existence ( Mitchell 1986 : 74 ) .
8 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
9 Imperial governments created a new elite of natives and invested them with the power of their language of administration and justice .
10 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
11 The lama put together eight techniques from the crane 's natural movements and incorporated them with the ape 's footwork and grabbing manoeuvres .
12 He glanced across at the waiting technicians and dismissed them with a gesture .
13 Then the reader is advised to read the accounting policies and compare them with the policies used in the previous year and with those competitors use .
14 I would like to take each tent by the comer and pull it down , and I would untether all the neat horses and the sleek , brushed bulls and send them with a huge cry into all the hills .
15 Because she was staying at home with her father Eva had the task of sorting out her mother 's possessions and sharing them with the family .
16 This will be achieved by analysing the criteria used to select expert system applications and comparing them with the criteria used to evaluate the feasibility of traditional data processing projects .
17 After dinner they had got lost , because Betty had fallen asleep and failed to note the few signposts and correlate them with the route on the map .
18 As we have seen , the operational balances are used for clearing purposes between the banks and to provide them with a source of liquidity .
19 In a sense then , the fate of Simmel 's work is at present parallel to that of Hegel 's , in as much as later authorities have appropriated his ideas and aligned them with a theory of rupture seen as specific to capitalism .
20 This section looks briefly at some of the basic ideas and illustrates them with the results of some laboratory experiments .
21 It is an invitation to enumerate the conventions and to contrast them with the law .
22 The Act abolished the school boards and replaced them with a system of local education authorities based on the county and county borough councils of the 1880 Local Government Act .
23 In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in 18 patients over the age of 50 whom we have treated in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients .
24 Clever cooks in large houses where eggs were strictly forbidden during Lent , ‘ blew ’ eggs and filled them with a mixture of thick , white almond milk , sugar , ginger and cinnamon .
25 The author , Jane Pettigrew , has taken traditional recipes from Trust properties all over the British Isles and combined them with a fascinating account of the development of tea-drinking in this country , ever since Catharine of Braganza brought over a tea chest from Portugal as part of her dowry on her marriage to Charles II .
26 We shall examine the results of his experiments and compare them with the results that we would expect if the records were perfectly randomized .
27 I hope not , because it actually felt as if this new resort was intent on getting to know its customers and providing them with a level of service in tune with expectations .
28 Political hotheads were demanding a sell-off ; but no wouldbe purchaser dared tangle with the horrendous staff rostering costs , the problems of management control , the antiquated working conditions , the railway operating hazards that frustrate a crew 's best efforts while landing them with the blame and , not least , the ever-lurking cynicism of the media .
29 So why did she find it so difficult to ignore the mocking , taunting comments and treat them with the silent scorn they so richly deserved ?
30 Perhaps the real star of the show is Annette Markert who , as the heroine Elmira , as some of the opera 's most interesting arias and advocates them with a sublime realism .
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