Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] from [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most women gain most of their knowledge of the criminal justice process from the media since few will have attended actual court cases or learnt from friends of what actually happens in the criminal justice system .
2 Static welfare losses that arise from departures from competition in output markets are set against longer-run , dynamic gains which may arise from an increase in the supply of innovations that come about in less than perfectly competitive markets .
3 Using the Jodrell Bank Radio telescope in Cheshire , they had observed the super dense pulsating radio star ( pulsar ) PSR18219-10 for 18 months and deduced from variations in its radio signature that it was being orbited by a planet every six months at approximately the same distance as that from Venus to the Sun .
4 Experts were divided on the cause , with some blaming the hordes of pollen beetles that descended from fields of oil seed rape on to garden crops , other believing the hot , dry weather caused a change in the development of the reproductive system of the plants .
5 This is despite the fact that the ships would , in war , have to sweep nuclear mines and operate from bases against which the Soviet Union would probably use nuclear bombs or missiles .
6 With these two basic skills , bird weavers can attach nests that dangle from tips of branches or leaves and construct domed and compartmented dwellings of great perfection .
7 Spurs occur on the legs of many insects and differ from setae in being of multicellular origin .
8 Prior to the mid-nineteenth century , magazines such as Youth 's Monthly Visitor aimed their moral homilies at an undefined audience covering both sexes and ranging from children to young adults .
9 The reference to Section 5(1) is to the power which the Act gives the Secretary of State to approve all qualifications granted by outside bodies and arising from courses of study pursued by pupils of compulsory school age in maintained schools .
10 But without your support and your demonstrations and support from whites in other countries with the rugby demonstrations , the cricket , with all aspects that you 've done , you 've also contributed to making it easier for us to be the kind of people we would like to be and I hope in that way we therefore do share as a family and then try and create one world .
11 Unfortunately , not only did the surface become very brittle it also became razor sharp , giving rise to numerous complaints of cuts and scrapes from actors during rehearsal .
12 I 'm delighted to welcome er the various initiatives that result from partnerships between industry and government er and in particular the investors in people which encourages training and skilling er on a life long basis and I have pleasure in confirming that that is not confined to the private sector and that today ACAS became the first civil service er body to receive the full award of Investors in People .
13 Weathering of rocks by rain water , by frost , by chemical action which is then leaked into rivers and carried from rivers into
14 This fragmentary evidence could not , strictly speaking , be regarded as cumulative , being based on a variety of different criteria and deriving from children with varying degrees of residence in Britain , to mention just two complicating factors .
15 It does not recognise wives who provide security for their husband 's debts as requiring from courts of equity any different approach from that applicable to sureties generally .
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