Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean the main thing is people can borrow on the true price of the house and then they can have an 80 or 90 per cent mortgage and when they come to pay the mortgage they have the £500 subsidy for twelve months or take them into the next twelve months .
2 Pot up a hew clumps and bring them into the kitchen .
3 Then suddenly he thrust his head between his owner 's legs and hoisted him into the trough with a resounding splash !
4 A digital television immediately decodes the incoming sound and picture signals and converts them into an 8-bit digital code .
5 Hall takes a Schumpeterian view of long waves and translates it into a geographical context .
6 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
7 We prop the grating open with another branch and spend the next half-hour pulling fallen branches and logs from all over that part of the hill , dragging them into the clump of bushes and throwing them into the shaft ; we snap dead branches off trees and bushes and haul and peel living ones off ; we scrape together armfuls of dry leaf litter and throw those over the edge of the chimney , too ; everything goes under the grating and down into the shaft .
8 The positive approach of Comte was developed by Emile Durkheim who adopted Comte 's empirical and rationalist methods and fashioned them into an approach which provides a major foundation for the study of sociology today .
9 Children , particularly our own grandchildren I discovered er had got money in the building societies I mean we give them money for presents and throw it into a building society , and I said what 's happening about your , your tax ?
10 I came round the desk then and raised Mrs. Porter by slipping one arm around her shoulders and heaving her into a sitting position .
11 This would involve a small bus ferrying disabled shoppers from their homes and taking them into the heart of the town before returning them direct to their front door .
12 He watched as a homemaker , winging high , dropped its bundle of thin twigs and pushed itself into a steep dive to join the scramble .
13 Once all the books on the bottom shelf were used to make three gigantic pyramids that sent him into a fit of despair .
14 In addition , we became experts in a new and complex world where everything from the intricacies of a changing semantic of underground language to the knowledge that tetrahydrocannabinol ( THE ) was the active ingredient of cannabis separated us from our previous associations and took us into a world where few in the organization could begin to operate with comfort .
15 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
16 Colleague Evelyn Cookson and a stranger hoisted Tammy to her feet and helped her into a waiting ambulance .
17 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
18 The company needed to reach mothers when the baby was born and again when baby was nine months to reinforce the importance of correct fitting shoes and to push her into a Better Shoe stockist .
19 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
20 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
21 Campion stabbed his finger twice , once at Carson , you , and then towards the road shoulder , over there , and then Sorvino put the Ford across the Mercedes ' bows and slowed him into the side of the road .
22 As fast as the Poles installed them , the local Nazis tore them from their mountings and heaved them into the Radaune canal .
23 Headed by Barry White , Area Sales Manager and aided and abetted by Sales Managers Colin Harrison and Bob Harris , the brief was to take these sales-hungry technicians and introduce them into the intricacies involved in a sales career .
24 But a combination of factors , including a high proportion of broken or at least deteriorating homes and single-parent families , an absence of parent-child contact due to migration and possibly compounded by the necessity of devoting excessive time to earning a living and , as I will argue shortly , a distorted appreciation of the parent 's function vis-à-vis education crystallize to release the black youth from the influence of his parents and jettison him into a world in which his peers , with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society , are the dominant forces .
25 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
26 The gunpowder either killed the poor man or caused such grievous wounds as to send him into a swoon from which he would never recover .
27 He made her a cup of tea while she sorted the washing , closed up the cases and pushed them into the cupboard under the stairs .
28 Helplessly she watched him remove the key from her nerveless fingers and insert it into the lock where it turned easily , clicking the door open .
29 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
30 A default colour palette will be displayed on the screen from which you select colours for your woolbox , rather like going into a shop , choosing cones of different colour yarns and putting them into a bag to take home !
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