Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [noun] [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Switching between the different combinations of effects and processors produced the same results , and apart from inventing some really stupid effect chains I found plenty of interesting combinations ; these could be mixed with the dry signal without losing any of the basic guitar sound .
2 At the finish the Hungarians outsprinted the Belgians while Ballard/Slater did the same to Williams/Martin a couple of minutes later .
3 100 years ago a legion of artists and craftsmen made the same journey .
4 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
5 The regiment worked in four-man modules , each man having a special skill ( i.e. explosives or navigation ) , and officers and men had the same training , so that in the event of casualties they could be virtually interchangeable .
6 In realising such power , it was argued , cooperators as consumers pursued the same general objectives as trade unionists in their role as producers .
7 Awareness of the social reality of the USSR , recognition that Soviet men and women experienced the same angst as those peoples living in pre-revolutionary societies disturbed Nizan but did not shake his faith in the ultimate justice and morality of the Soviet cause .
8 Sexology and psychology had proved that men and women had the same instinctive need for pleasure and fulfilment .
9 In our study , gender was taken account of in the selection of workshops : we studied workshops with men only , with women only , workshops where men and women did the same work and were paid at the same rate , and those where the sexes did different jobs and men were paid more than women .
10 Mrs Smith was a wild boar too , yet it was quite easy to differentiate them , as their expressions and personalities remained the same and Mr Smith regarded me kindly with little red eyes through the specs on the end of his snout .
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