Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He said that some witnesses in the action had strong views about the rights of the public over the beach and quarrying which has been carried on there .
2 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
3 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
4 Rumours proliferated of disagreements between the leaders of the NKLP and SKLP and these were justified .
5 This and other more personal disagreements between the founders of the IWA led in 1951 to Rolt 's withdrawal from the association .
6 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
7 Although there is no express statutory provision to this effect , contracts traded on other futures exchanges would also be treated as for investment purposes , and hence are investments for the purposes of the Act .
8 As it happened , speaking a number of languages , I had more access to the room in which the drivers were locked up than most , and I filed a long despatch to The Times about the issues in the strike and the feeling among the drivers .
9 As a result , in sCD2 the association involves main-chain hydrogen bonding between the tips of the CC' and FG loops , augmented by direct interactions between the residues on the GFCC'C sheets ( residues are detailed in Fig.2 ) .
10 The nature of the interactions between the proteins in the complex provides a possible explanation for the wide specificity of protein G for IgG .
11 In all first-class cricket , including several fiery outings for the Gentlemen versus the Players , he took 720 wickets at an average of 20.55 each .
12 Unions do not negotiate with employers about the prices of the products they produce .
13 Section 1(2) of the Act states that the following are not inventions for the purposes of the Act : ( a ) a discovery , scientific theory or mathematical method ; ( b ) a literary , dramatic , musical or artistic work or any other aesthetic creation whatsoever ; ( c ) a scheme , rule or method for performing any mental act , playing a game or doing business , or a program for a computer ; ( d ) the presentation of information ; but the foregoing provision shall prevent anything from being treated as an invention for the purposes of this Act only to the extent that a patent or application for a patent relates to that thing as such ( emphasis added )
14 The descent of property can sometimes be traced over several generations through the archives of the Court Baron , while individual names can be picked out from the lists of freeholders and customary tenants at the beginning of each meeting of the Court Leet .
15 Some of the plans for the designs of the pageant wagons have survived , but not for the Assumption so much research had to be undertaken .
16 The meeting sorry the meeting this evening is quite clearly is to talk about get your views on how best to plan the programmes for the facilities for the future .
17 There was an outer compound , in which relatives waited for their turn to speak to prisoners through the bars of the main prison .
18 I am simply going to sit in his studio for perhaps three hours for the mornings of the next few weeks and Murphy shall take me and bring me back and Lyddy shall sit close by me and I will take Janet too if you would allow me — ’
19 It is most common to find the following three logical operations between the contents of the accumulator and the contents of a store location .
20 Sometimes , as they encountered new crowds of pole-carrying Annamese peasants jogging ceaselessly between market and rice field , or spilling out of their tiny village temples and pagodas , he felt that what had happened was somehow inextricably bound up with the torrid , exotic country that was so totally unfamiliar to him in all its ways , and other distressing images of the recent past began to flood through his mind ; he saw again the brutal French colon lashing the fallen prisoners between the shafts of the cart in Saigon , remembered the horror he had felt at the sight of what he thought were many massacred coolies on the river wharf on their arrival , and he heard once more the thud of the Citron striking the peasant boy on the way to the hunting camp .
21 Civils work is now under way with the construction of the massive foundations for the bases for the steelwork structures that house all the mechanical plant .
22 I am writing to confirm the arrangements surrounding your preparation of scripts for the components for the Central News I and II videos .
23 On Thursday there was a series of meetings between the leaders of the Government and the opposition parties , the General Council of the TUC and the National Executive of the Labour Party .
24 It was widely regarded as presaging a new era of more co-operative meetings between the leaders of the two governments .
25 It was there my consciousness of class , race and sexuality grew , as heated arguments took place , in weekly collective meetings between the residents of the refuge , workers and support group .
26 Likewise the celebrated ethnographic account of the Iroquois Indians , written by the Jesuit Père Lafitau early in the eighteenth century , carries the title Moeurs des sauvages Amèriquains comparèes aux moeurs des premiers temps but is largely concerned with parallels between the customs of the American Indians and those of the Greeks and Romans .
27 Many of the sheriffships were also heritable offices , which again conferred powers of private patronage upon their holders where this had not been specifically reserved to the Crown , and a great magnate who had inherited a small empire of such judicial rights had considerable powers of influence in his region , both from the offices themselves and the opportunities which they gave to oblige friends , and from the powers of the courts , for regalian jurisdiction was extended over the possessions of landowners who held their estates as the vassals of the magnate .
28 The latest proposals for the registers from the Department of the Environment were unveiled at the end of July .
29 The Northern Ireland Act 1982 provides for the existing Assembly ( which lacks both legislative and executive powers ) to make proposals for the transfers to the Assembly of legislative and executive powers but such proposals must be such as to be ‘ likely to command widespread acceptance throughout the community ’ and although attempts are currently under way to evolve such proposals , they have not so far met with success .
30 Thus all rations for the men at the front had to come up on the backs of other men .
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