Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Few had any great faith in prisons as institutions for the reform of the inmates they contained , nor of imprisonment as a means of controlling crime .
2 YAKOVLEV Design Bureau ( OKB ) are creating a number of Yak-3 replicas for an order from the USA , confirms Chief Designer , Sergey Yakovlev .
3 But then I have unprintably strong views about the keeping of the larger tankbusters , so I 'm probably biased .
4 In the previous section we have examined Marx 's and Engels 's views about the evolution of the family .
5 He said that some witnesses in the action had strong views about the rights of the public over the beach and quarrying which has been carried on there .
6 Hall 's positive views about the timing of the judges ' appointments probably originated as early as 1835 , when the plans for the new Houses of Parliament were being considered .
7 The first stage of the process involves a conventional fact-finding exercise , where representative staff are interviewed to determine views about the purpose of the organisation , the role of the staff , and any problems that are pertinent to the study .
8 Kwame Nkrumah , who had himself used the press to mobilize support for his party and its nationalist demands against the British , developed strong views about the role of the media in the post-colonial period :
9 There are two broad views about the object of the exercise ( see Musgrave and Musgrave 1989 ) .
10 One is faced , then , with two conflicting views about the dating of the Muftilik of Abdulkerim : first , the view of the that he was Mufti in the time of Mehmed II , perhaps from 870/1465–6 onwards ; and second , the view of the writers connected with the later tradition , Mustakimzade half-excepted , that he was Mufti in the time of Bayezid II , more precisely , following Molla Gurani , from 893/1488 to Rajab 900/March-April 1495 .
11 While it would be misleading to present the members of the Annales school as a wholly homogeneous group committed to a single methodology , they nevertheless hold in common a number of views about the study of the past .
12 Analysts are divided in their views about the effectiveness of the OPEC deal — in spite of indications given by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that they will cut supplies to customers from next month in accordance with the new quotas .
13 Questions were asked about the preparatory year , the impact of fundholding on clinical practice and practice management , perceptions of the costs and benefits of fundholding , and views about the future of the scheme .
14 This agency arrangement will terminate after a defined period of time , at which point Newco will be required to buy the uncollected trade debts for the amount of the interest-free loan which remains outstanding .
15 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
16 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
17 Nevertheless , a start needed to be made somewhere to build a cumulative and objective body of knowledge of the relationships between the properties of social phenomena as a prelude to the formulation of substantial theoretical laws .
18 There is much confusion within health authorities about the construction of the new formula which weights the age adjusted population of each region by the square root of its under 75 years , all cause , standardised mortality ratio .
19 There were both overt and covert reasons for the support of the Scheme by the Law Society , and the regional bodies , local Law Societies .
20 The majority of MPs in the Hague parliament believe that there are strong economic and social reasons for the continuation of the nuclear industry .
21 Asked about the reasons for the success of the sale , the ebullient Tajan said : ‘ Firstly , my talent ; secondly , my talent ; and thirdly , excellent organisation ’ .
22 One of reasons for the survival of the S&C into the 1980s had been its ability to handle diverted WCML trains ; this continued despite withdrawal of Intercity services in the winter 1982–3 timetable .
23 One of the reasons for the survival of the category is the survival of educational institutions defined by it : special schools and units whose purpose is to cater for MLD/ESN pupils .
24 The appellant appealed pursuant to section 19A(2) of the Act on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge failed to consider a wide range of relevant factors in deciding whether to make the order ; ( 2 ) the judge applied the wrong test as to whether the appellant had acted unreasonably ; ( 3 ) the judge failed to give reasons for the making of the order and neither ascertained the amount of wasted costs incurred , nor what party had incurred the wasted costs ; and ( 4 ) had wrongly used the section 19A procedure to punish the appellant .
25 One of the main reasons for the identification of the number of elderly ( or any other age group ) suffering from any disease is to establish information for service delivery and the planning of future services .
26 The reasons for the conflict in the various forecasts lie in the fact that the demand for higher education depends on a multiplicity of factors including the distribution of entrants into HE by age , gender , social class , region of residence , parental qualification and family size ; the effects of unemployment and comprehensive education ; the national demand for graduate-level skilled labour ; and last , but by no means least , the effect of the supply of places on demand .
27 First , the reasons for the expansion of the social services are not simply the desire and anxiety of successive governments to reduce unemployment , cheaply and speedily , as Bacon and Eltis claim .
28 During times of economic recession , especially , employees fear job losses and it is important to stress genuine reasons for the development of the database project which are not associated with cost savings .
29 Outlines reasons for the choice of the Channel Tunnel Group/Grande Manche option and examines the impact on roads , the railway system , economic development , employment and the environment .
30 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
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