Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] [noun] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In the unlikely setting of an adult education evening class for would-be comics , a once-famous comedian puts forward his views about what comedy should do .
2 Until recently , many of those women who experience a light vaginal discharge at certain times between their periods may have thought that they were the only ones to have this problem .
3 In addition , some painkillers are ruled out ( such as epidural ) , because they take too long to administer and take effect , so your plans for your birth may have to be altered at the last minute .
4 Members of the plan with any queries about their pensions should contact Godwins Scotland at 125 West Regent Street , Glasgow G2 2SG , Mr Martin said .
5 ( 2 ) Deviations from sections II , VIII , VIIIa , IX , X and XI are permissible for a period not extending beyond Dec. 31 , 1995. ( 3 ) Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above , Article 41 of the Unification Treaty and the rules for its implementation shall remain valid in so far as they provide for the irreversibility of interferences with property in the territory specified in Article 3 of the said treaty " .
6 If the original intention was to make the Greeks feel embarrassed at asking for their marbles back , the calls for their return may grow more strident if the laboratory folds up altogether .
7 Since the de Mazia Trust remains the most forceful opponent of the current Barnes leadership ( and a major source of operating funds for the Barnes Foundation ) , serious doubts about its legitimacy would lift a major obstacle from the Barnes board 's freedom of movement .
8 This seems acceptable but doubts about its legitimacy can arise when , for example , the issue seems less a legal one than a political one , as it was during the Spycatcher affair .
9 Commitments to matching finance are seldom adequately analyzed , and although the recipient governments may carry a good deal of the responsibility for this , donors are also at fault in assuming that the counter-part funds for their projects will have priority .
10 They spent so much time talking about gay things that they did n't actually have much time to do many gay things — which is why I think the really crucial thing that happened in the seventies was not the liberation of a particular sexuality but actually the liberation of a particular set of relationships through which people could enjoy sex , or not have sex , as the case may be .
11 We decided to give the tickets away through competitions and stuff like that on local radio stations because that way the true fans of her music will get to see her .
12 Many readers of his apologetics must have been disconcerted by me fact that his chapter about conversion in Beyond Personality is entitled ‘ Let's Pretend ’ .
13 He hoped that readers of his book would find themselves willy-nilly thinking his way .
14 Theologically trained readers of his time would recognise a background of scholarly debate on whether it is primarily through man 's intellect or capacity to love , that the soul engages with God , and they would be able to acknowledge Hilton 's synthesis of understanding and desire .
15 She feared the bounds of her mind would burst and she would be swamped , her sanity irretrievable in the flood damage .
16 Other parsons of her acquaintance would have nothing but commination for Tom Horrocks 's head ; they would have demanded brusquely that all kneel and at least pay lip-service to their own self-righteousness ; but this man …
17 The heels of your hands should cover the forehead , fingers extending downwards anchoring the sides of the head .
18 He 's getting on , you know , and — gentlemen of your age will understand he had a bad war , Arctic convoys and all that .
19 The standards set out guidelines against which practices can measure how well they manage themselves .
20 The 200 units under her command should brace themselves for a forthright style .
21 Zeinab agreed that she would like a coffee and Mahmoud wanted to talk about what they had seen , so they stopped the arabeah when they reached the Ismailiya Quarter with its more Westernized restaurants into which women could go , and got out .
22 Political parties provided the labels with which electors could identify , and elections became gladiatorial contests between parties rather than between individual candidates .
23 In the USA , legislation at both the State and Federal level often similarly defines the parameters within which schools can consider the curriculum .
24 Each unit of Night Goblins in your army may include up to three hidden Night Goblin Fanatics .
25 The verderers were closely examined at the Forest Eyre as to the facts to which they deposed in their rolls of presentments , and even minor contradictions in their evidence might result in their committal to prison and subsequent amercement .
26 The sale to B&B Asia , a Hong Kong-quoted company controlled by German construction group Bilfinger and Berger , includes a 50 p.c. stake in a Brisbane development project and retirement homes from which Beazer will receive A$8m when they are sold by their new owners .
27 Today there are many ballets which are created in the generally accepted styles from which choreographers can borrow : classical , demi-caractère , romantic , character and/or national , and modern ( see pages 75–138 ) .
28 A Antibiotics in your system can affect a permanent wave , giving poor or no results at all .
29 The three following mornings took the form of plenary sessions with , on the Monday and Tuesday afternoons , a menu of concurrent special interest sessions from which participants could choose .
30 the hairs on my legs will stiffen and quiver
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