Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [verb] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As an executive with a long-term career plan to protect , you may have sound reasons for leaving before a dismissal occurs or for departing on mutually agreed terms .
2 This power existed where , as the statute provided , it appeared to him that there were reasons for doubting whether the trade union members , in taking part in industrial action , were acting in accordance with their own wishes .
3 Notice that the design which has been used for weaving does not show as with the sample woven with the smooth yarn , always select simple designs for weaving because the pattern in the fabric results almost entirely from the yarn and not from the needle selection .
4 This approach , he maintains , is different from other aspects of nursing when the nurse uses knowledge and expertise to advise and educate .
5 But in the twelfth century , the house of Alsace could afford the high costs of their expeditions — Thierry went to Jerusalem four times , Philip twice — and the counts ' repeated absences in fact promoted administrative reform ; the baillis and the Grote Bref were as much the products of crusading as the English and Norman judicial system and exchequers were the product of the king-duke 's divided attentions .
6 We preferred to evaluate overall clearance of the oesophagus rather than the specific effects of swallowing because the amplitude of contractions after swallowing in patients with abnormal peristalsis is below the minimum effective strength for clearance .
7 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
8 It can be important for the purposes of seeing whether the settlor is liable for tax which is not paid by the trustees ( IHTA 1984 , s201 ) .
9 Secondly , the council may balk at the costs of determining whether a treatment is scientifically valid .
10 The belief here is that anyone making a trade based on superior information is in effect ‘ stealing ’ from other market participants by acting before the information is made available to all traders .
11 They had spent another fifteen minutes with Leeming before the doctor had come in to check on his patient .
12 The problems of deciding whether a pupil has mastered a concept or skill are discussed in relation to an experiment in giving pupils the same tests in different modes but similar in content and difficulty on two separate occasions .
13 Another illustration of the importance for procedural rights of determining whether a dispute exists , and of identifying the parties to it , is Namibia .
14 The courts have used regulatory rules in determining whether an obligation under the general law exists or has been broken in a number of ways .
15 Obviously the potential for entry via imports needs to be considered carefully by domestic competition authorities in assessing whether a firm is dominant and whether it is abusing its monopoly position .
16 Lack of medical knowledge , for example , does not prevent the courts from deciding whether the use of a particular medical procedure was negligent .
17 Once the Occupational Standards are finalised , an awarding body ( or possibly more than one awarding body ) will look at ways of assessing whether an individual can meet the Occupational Standards or not .
18 Redundant churches are safeguarded by the Pastoral Measure 1983 which provides procedures for deciding whether a church is still required for worship , and , if not , what the future of the building should be .
19 It refused to rule out the inclusion of other factors for determining whether a borrower was likely to default or not — like disability or homosexuality .
20 But is there not a contradiction between being so fiercely hostile to relativism in history and aesthetics and at the same time asserting that there are no objective criteria for deciding whether a work is good or bad ?
21 Where the alleged breach consists of the exercise of a contractual power in a particular way , it is unclear to what extent principles of public law ( as opposed to the ordinary law of contract ) can be used as criteria for judging whether the action taken was an abuse of the power .
22 The architectural design of the Tripartite Shrine takes on new layers of meaning once the column is seen as an idol or as an actual incarnation of a deity .
23 The court may have to balance the risk against the benefits in deciding whether the decision to market the product was justified .
24 It will not forgive politicians for over-spending when the economy picks up .
25 The objections to assessing whether the hearing would have made a difference are not confined to those expressed by Megarry J. A superior court in the context of review is not in a good position to calculate whether a hearing would have made a difference , and to do so could well leave the individual with the feeling that he has not been afforded any opportunity of controverting the public body 's view .
26 Their starting point was to set up a model in which there were no opportunities for arbitrage by specifying an equality between those investors taking their returns solely in terms of capital gains by selling before the share went ex-dividend , and those who sold after the share went ex-dividend and thus collected their return in capital gains and dividends : where .
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