Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [prep] which [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I am thinking of unfortunate scholars in foreign universities who can not ‘ hold down their jobs ’ unless they repeatedly publish articles each of which must say , or seem to say , something new about some literary work …
2 It provides the power to drive the chain of buckets each of which can lift 7 cwt ( 356 Kg ) of silt .
3 There are roughly three kinds all of which can use one or a mixture of dance styles .
4 Our outfit comes to £211 — still expensive but these dresses are quality items each of which would look good on their own .
5 Of course , in many federations there are larger and smaller parts , but usually several large and several small parts all of which can keep each other in some overall balance .
6 The research examines and evaluates such support in three very different national contexts all of which can claim successes in the computer field .
7 You reckon Hatton would also have told him the river bed was full of stones one of which would make a suitable weapon for knocking off his informant ? ’
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