Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [verb] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Northampton-based portable computer peripherals supplier Ranger Computers Ltd has introduced a new version of its RangerDisk3 personal computer compatible floppy disk drive for use with Psion Plc Series 3 handheld computers : it is intended as more convenient means of backing up or transferring Series 3 files than Psion 's Comms Link ; RangerDisk3 has its own version of MS-DOS and connects to the Series 3 via a Psion serial adaptor ; it can be used with the 128Kb and 256Kb models ; the operating software is built in so avoiding the need for program installation on the Series 3 ; file transfer is by the XModem protocol ; it is £200 from Ranger .
2 Tandem Computers Inc has opened a new subsidiary in Budapest , increasing the company 's presence in Central and Eastern Europe .
3 Following the Hewlett-Packard Co and L M Ericsson Telefon AB joint venture , Northern Telecom Ltd and Tandem Computers Inc have announced a global alliance to develop and market telecommunications systems with Intelligent Network capabilities ( CI No 2,116 ) .
4 San Francisco , California-based Interactive Development Environments Inc has introduced a new Software through Pictures/Information Modelling product , which enables users at a workstation to analyse and customise existing relational database management systems .
5 Encom Cable TV & Telecommunications Ltd has launched a local telephone service in Redbridge , Barking and Dagenham , Essex : the service is offered over the company 's fibre trunk cable , which links to Mercury Communications Ltd 's national network ; the company claims that calls are 10% to 15% cheaper that British Telecommunications Plc 's .
6 Xylogics Inc has opened a new office in Munich , Germany , that 'll serve the central European German speaking countries , including Austria and Switzerland .
7 Over the years this has killed a great many Canberra aircrew .
8 Singapore Airlines Ltd has awarded a five-year contract to Datamatics Pvt Ltd of Bombay to write software exclusively for the airline : Datamatics will develop software for reservations , cargo handling and departure control applications , and got the business because the airline found it so hard to recruit and retain computer personnel in Singapore ; no value was revealed .
9 Irvine , California-based technology holding company Helionetics Inc has signed a binding letter of intent to acquire Sentinel Systems Inc , which is designing the Sentry-E fault-tolerant computer in Horsham , Pennsylvania and has a ‘ major telecommunications company ’ lined up as its first customer .
10 McCaw Cellular Communications Inc has reported a net loss of $14.0m , down from a loss last time of $99.1m , on turnover that rose 20.2% at $302.9m .
11 The advent of Windows 3.1 has caused a minor shake-up in many applications — OLE and TrueType are just two of the features of the environment that software houses have been keen to take advantage of .
12 The new , improved materials available have gone a long way towards extending the lifespan of today 's flat roof .
13 Sun Microsystems Inc has built a Basic Rate ISDN interface into its new high-end Sparc Station 10 workstation .
14 Sun Microsystems Inc has signed a long-term lease for three buildings in Chelmsford , Massachusetts to consolidate the four existing offices it has in the state .
15 Texas Instruments Inc had produced a cumulative total of over 70,000 SuperSparc , aka Viking , chips by the end of last year , the company told Unigram.X last week .
16 Texas Instruments Inc has developed a new low-cost multi-chip packaging technology it calls Multichip Module Laminate/Overlay in which the key element is Polyimide plastic .
17 Ask Computer Systems Inc has formed a new software development unit to open up its ManMan/X manufacturing development environment and Ingres database and tool set for use in conjunction with alien systems .
18 Through its UK distributor , Basingstoke , Hampshire-based Dataguild Ltd , Optical Data Systems Inc has announced a new hub family claimed to integrate Token Ring , Ethernet and FDDI in a single chassis .
19 Auspex Systems Inc and Epoch Systems Inc have cut a joint marketing and development pact that will put EpochBackup and EpochMigration software on Auspex servers making automatic on-line backup and migration available for NetServers on a distributed network .
20 Novell Inc and Gradient Technologies Inc have cut a strategic deal that will put Gradient 's software licensing technology into NetWare .
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