Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] him in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , his steps led him in the end to the Corso , where the evening promenade was in progress .
2 General Elio offered the support of his troops to maintain him in the fullness of his rights ; at the same time the Manifesto of the Persians , signed by 96 ‘ servile ’ deputies , reached the king at Valencia .
3 An oilman offered me fifty petrodollars to blow him in the lift . "
4 In the last year of his life Carleton 's connections with the tightly knit Puritan gentry of the midlands involved him in the Puritan literary conspiracy of the Marprelate tracts .
5 The risks to his person were already great simply coming down the nearly straight avenues from the Palaţul Primaverii to the Central Committee building , but the imaginary dangers threatening him in the area to the west of the hill were too great to be contemplated .
6 The farmers ' wives indulged him in the harshness of his religious practices , never minding that he brought his own delph and cutlery and would eat only boiled eggs and bread .
7 Kick him in the bollocks kick him in the head .
8 At the House of Commons he could at least rely upon one of the whips to put him in a cab , and pay the driver .
9 Some bullets hit him in the air and more bullets hit him as he lay on the ground .
10 Powell has earned , the hard way , the respect that prompted a dozen jockeys to telephone him in the week before the race .
11 ‘ My men found him in the garden , not in the house .
12 The first two shots took him in the shoulder and the left chest .
13 The man was disabled eight months after the soldiers died when UVF men shot him in the back .
14 I could set the man trap at dusk and let the police interview him in the morning . ’
15 Kubitsky was bringing his rifle to bear on a target which lay somewhere in the direction of the grove of trees on the river bank to Rostov 's rear , but before he could open fire three more arrows took him in the chest and he fell over backwards without a sound .
16 ‘ If a guitarist smokes a couple of weeds to get him in the mood to play no-one bats an eyelid because he 's a public entertainer .
17 On 26th May , Hunt came to see him and said that he was taking over the purchase negotiations for the Downing Street scheme , and particularly upset Pennethorne by producing one of Pennethorne 's drawings to assist him in the work .
18 The malai shoved him in the chest with his free hand but he pointed the gun at the ground behind him .
19 Both of them took turns to kick him in the mouth and eyes .
20 That master craftsman would then himself employ helpers to assist him in the completion of that contract .
21 Hundreds of people were expected to attend the service for Mr Peacock , who died in his teenage daughter 's arms minutes after UVF gunmen shot him in the back at his north Belfast house .
22 As one gunman opened fire , police marksmen shot him in the hip .
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