Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
2 Their shells provide them with valuable protection but like all armoured species they are at certain disadvantages — they are nearly always less mobile , less flexible , and suffer the consequences .
3 The teacher 's function is to decide what these chains are to be and to take steps to establish them as permanent ways of responding .
4 The qualitative methods provide them with feminist validity , while the quantitative methods ensure the reliability which psychology values .
5 It is in these circumstances that there occurs , according to Merton , a situation of anomie , with people striving for goals of material success , but not having the opportunities to reach them through legitimate means .
6 A managerial perspective on organizations presents them as social entities with a collective purpose .
7 if you record your check lists keep them on separate tapes and correctly labelled , so that you can easily find what you want .
8 What do you think of that ? ’ and when Jess stayed quiet , she sighed , moving towards the books to touch them with loving fingers .
9 We join an organization feeling relatively neutral about an external group of competitors but within months regard them as malevolent enemies .
10 Although his groups , ‘ Tiddlers ’ , ‘ Ritz ’ , and ‘ Boys ’ , reflected increasing involvement in delinquent activities , they served the same function of enabling young people to achieve the sort of reputations and images denied them in mainstream society .
11 An enormous number of Polish nobles , therefore , had survived the government 's attempts to relegate them to lesser estates .
12 The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species ' habitats , and in some cases establishing them in new habitats .
13 By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors .
14 Strains developed over the migration of the ‘ vyezzhye belye Kalmyki ’ to Russian territory , since the prince of the Teleuts regarded them as traitorous subjects and demanded their return .
15 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
16 If , however , mutations affect both juvenile and adult survival equally , selection against their early effects keeps them at low frequency , and prevents the collapse of late survival .
17 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
18 But the Australians imported them in large numbers .
19 It can be suggested that the fiduciary duties imposed on directors subject them to similar standards of review by the courts .
20 Their exploitation of this recently opened path aroused jealousy among the knights , one of whom refused to answer a charge levelled against him by the Erembalds in the court of Charles the Good , on the ground that his accusers ' lowly social origins barred them from comital justice .
21 Periodic meetings are held with the co-ordinators to inform them of current activities and this important group of staff have been very responsive and supportive in disseminating information to their departments .
22 Subsequently , European partners were bought out and Arab banks transformed them into international banking subsidiaries .
23 Perhaps the Minoans regarded them as fearful intermediaries — essential but frightening go-betweens .
24 The deal means the French bank will get some of the money it is owed , Madagascar will get debt relief and the Missouri garden will be able to increase its efforts to conserve rare plants , which include training botanists and collecting plants to screen them for medicinal value .
25 The tension in the films draws them towards minimum surface area .
26 Nevertheless , they require their casual workers to furnish them with appropriate identification and evidence of their tax status .
27 When regional deals divert more trade than they create , economists regard them as harmful overall : such arrangements tend to shift production to less efficient producers .
28 Soviet citizens were given three days to exchange them for lower-denomination notes .
29 Students had to attend special political classes to remind them of socialist values , the four basic principles and other tenets of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought .
30 Such entries would have to be flagged in the tree structure to show that they are misspellings to distinguish them from correct words ( as mentioned previously in section 4.4.3 during the discussion of the flagging system and the 12 codes necessary to represent proper nouns , compounds and phrases ) .
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