Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] by the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My reason for calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is not its resemblance in some respect to other sensations called by the same name , but its mere resemblance to them .
2 What I mean by calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is its mere resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
3 The implication of this passage is that the words ‘ sensation of white ’ denote the sensation , but connote its resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
4 Both our patients presented with symptoms and signs of heavy metal intoxication within six weeks of exposure to remedies administered by the same hakim .
5 All these variations combine to the extent that even words spoken by the same person are never identical [ Vassiere , 1985 ] .
6 Even words spoken by the same person are never identical ( Vaissiere , 1985 ) .
7 These results are similar to those reported in maintenance trials of H 2 receptor antagonists analysed by the same method .
8 This will be included in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement as an obligation which the transferor must procure. ( 2 ) Exemption from the pre-emption provisions to allow : transfers within corporate groups : transfers to immediate relatives and family trusts ; transfers by an investor which is a managed fund to other funds managed by the same investor ; " warehousing " ( subject to the control of the investor ) .
9 The effect of this would be that the additional premium of £5,000 would be treated as additional rent for the period 28 April 1989 to 25 March 1991 and would , in effect , make the transaction tax neutral within companies controlled by the same individual .
10 The only way , in those circumstances , that relief might be obtained is to press the inspector of taxes to assess the vendor company under Sch A. But would that be self-defeating within two companies controlled by the same individual ?
11 Industries will be banned from using high-sulphur content fuels , the use of government cars in winter will be cut by 30 per cent , and production at the city 's two electricity plants reduced by the same amount .
12 If all incomes rise by the same percentage amount , then those at the lower end of the income scale will , of course , receive a lower extra sum of money compared to those at the higher end of the income scale .
13 By the way of contrast The Independent , building up a composite Independent person from figures supplied by the same research company ( TGI ) , announced that 23.9% of Independent readers have a household income exceeding £25,000 , 44.2% of them own a car , 31.4% own stocks and shares , 9% play cricket , 71.9% bought records in the last year and in the same period 51.2% purchased at least one pair of sports shoes while 14% spent over £50 in garden centres .
14 Family background Occupations of parents and brothers and sisters , any relatives employed in the same trade/profession , any relatives employed by the same company .
15 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
16 But the c i and biomass/plant of C3 annuals increased by the same ratio as [ CO 2 ] , indicating that much of the CO 2 -induced increase in A/g ( and WUE ) was realized as higher A and ultimately as greater plant biomass ( Fig. 4 ) .
17 Generalizing is a matter of saying what else things identified by the same concept have in common , not as a matter of logic but as a matter of fact .
18 Particularly encouraging to the E&P management has been a gain over the last year in net income to the equivalent of about $3.50 per barrel of oil produced , putting BP well ahead of the performance of most other oil majors judged by the same yardstick and only marginally behind Exxon , the largest US oil company .
19 Materials vary from weaving group to weaving group , and occasionally between different items produced by the same group .
20 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
21 The result is often cannibalism , especially in chickens and turkeys , which are debeaked and often have their toes cut by the same hot-knife machine as a preventative .
22 Employment in construction fell by 7000 over the period and employment in transport and communications fell by the same amount .
23 Research in HIV has yielded an extensive set of nucleotide sequences from a group of haemophiliac patients infected by the same batch of Factor VIII .
24 We focused on the two newspapers owned by the same person , Rupert Murdoch , and which included the most rape reports — thirty-two in the Sun and seventy-two in the News of the World in which not one rape case in 1978 was covered by both newspapers .
25 In contrast , peptides eluted by the same method from an HLA-B8 transfectant showed anchor residues at positions 3 and 5 ( ref. 54 ) .
26 The scores obtained by a group of children for the odd items can then be compared with the scores obtained by the same children for the even-numbered items .
27 These observations suggest that however attractive co-operative R&D ventures are relative to independent R&D projects conducted by the same set of firms , they are likely to be more attractive than the alternative of a merger designed to facilitate co-operative R&D .
28 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
29 Meanwhile , however , its independence would be instrumental in addressing another aspect of independence which some felt the study quickly passed over — that of audit from other services provided by the same accounting firm .
30 The [ draft ] FRS requires that the maturity of debt should be assessed according to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment , taking account of facilities granted by the same lender which may permit the refinancing of the debt .
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