Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Having loved Martha from the bottom of his heart , Sam now found that he loved his daughter every bit as much , and could hardly tear himself away from the cradle , where he would spend hours gazing at the fruit and blessing of the union .
2 Advocating a greater use of the birch he said ‘ Young offenders are leaving the juvenile courts laughing at the Magistrates and the Police .
3 Unfortunately one was having its innards repaired at the time and another gave up the ghost after operating for all of a second .
4 Auguste 's eyes misted at the sound and sight of the lovely Araminta , Multhrop 's eighteen-year-old daughter , rustling down the staircase in a delightful froufrou of petticoats , her large blue eyes fixed on her father , but well aware of every male in sight .
5 There was a tight thicket of new , thorny growth in the clearing , a bird darting between the branches picking at the red and blue berries that hung from the twigs .
6 Your eyes look at the instruments and the instruments tell you you 're fine , you 're flying level .
7 On either side of the central aisle , heads nodded at the buildings and streets around them as a now livelier Ashenden continued , himself ( like the site , it appeared ) splendidly restored from whatever malaise had affected him over the previous two days , a malaise which had been noted and commented upon by several others of the group besides Mrs Shirley Brown — the latter sitting comfortably now in her usual seat , the effects of the sting having cleared up fairly quickly under the twin application of Mrs Roscoe 's unguents .
8 Sweetheart was sitting in her favourite chair with her legs crossed at the knee and a magazine spread out on the table before her .
9 To find where the blockage is ( unless it is simply the gully itself which is blocked ) , you will have to lift the inspection chamber manhole covers starting at the house and working outwards .
10 Little seemed in Mrs Whitehouse 's eyes to change at the BBC and , in early 1964 , the Corporation 's Charter was renewed for a further twelve years without any of the additional ‘ safeguards ’ that Mrs Whitehouse would have liked to have seen written in .
11 From Figure 10.3 , it appears that the approaching waves collide at the surface and reach a horizon at .
12 It characterises movers and movements to look at the propensity and timing of moves in relation to some of the social and demographic factors underlying geographic movement .
13 Evidence of clay feet found at the Anemospilia and Mallia temples suggests that the robes were floor length or nearly so , with the feet fitted loosely under the hem .
14 As a result of reforms ordained at Cowick in 1323 , pipe rolls ( which recorded the shire revenues of the crown ) grew to be triple and quadruple the size they were under Edward I ; rolls and writs of the treasury of receipt increased by five or six times ; for the extensive Contrariant lands separate memoranda were compiled ; new calendars were introduced to record estreats , matters despatched at the exchequer and accounts to be rendered .
15 Smallfry walked with him all the way to the playground , where the other children bunched together in little groups to stare at the absentee and his beautiful mother .
16 Specialists identify and ascribe a date to the pottery by comparison with other pottery of known date , in much the same way as antique dealers look at the features and form of an object in order to date it .
17 A major difficulty is that the inert gases account for only a small fraction of the volatiles known at the surfaces and in the atmospheres of the three planets , where the volatiles almost entirely consist of CO 2 , H 2 O , N 2 and O 2 , or of compounds derived from them such as carbonates , hydroxy-silicates and nitrates .
18 When the specimen was loaded in a testing machine the edges were stressed as much as the middle and so cracks started at the edges and spread inwards across the material in the usual way .
19 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
20 TEAMS wishing to enter a knockout sports quiz at the Bull and Dog pub , in Burscough , are invited to apply .
21 A bruising-looking man in a navy-blue , pin-striped suit with trousers frayed at the turn-ups and a beige and brown shirt of the sort that is supposed not to show the dirt .
22 Le Rue the man does n't let his talents stop at the violin and vocal duties with the band as his guitar-playing proved .
23 In May 1948 numerous European political figures met at the Hague and called for the creation of a European parliament as well as an economic union .
24 The various departmental select committees looking at the estimates and the Public Accounts Committee looking at the accounts of what has been spent , can only scratch the surface .
25 You might find you 've one too many problems to handle at the moment and a final hassle or irritation will be the straw that breaks the camel 's back .
26 It had twin Vickers K aircraft machine guns mounted at the rear and a single one in front .
27 Braggarts talk at the interviewer and are often so concerned and anxious about themselves that they fail to notice how the interviewer is responding .
28 In the Kensington exchange a group of Telecom engineers and police officers stared at the monitors and listened to the rage coming down the line ; at Cork Street , beneath the pavements of smart Mayfair , four men from MI5 were rooted in their chairs , motionless as the anger poured out of the speaker into the room and the tape-deck wound silently round and round .
29 Most of the patients seen at the hospital and the out-patient clinics are already on conventional medication of some kind .
30 An alternative is to put the planted-up bowls in black polythene sacks ties at the top and keep them in a cold greenhouse or cool , frost-free outhouse , garage or shed .
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