Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at [adv] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Third , I think there are good reasons to encourage at least one food supermarket in the city centre .
2 However , about a third of compounds owned at least one mango tree , and about 10% one or more pawpaw ( papaya ) trees .
3 Masking is such a common operation that many computers provide at least one arithmetic or logical instruction which can specify a mask as well as the primary operands .
4 In the second set of interviews , by contrast , when asked , five out of six informants recall at least one grandparent .
5 They found that in 1988 , over 98 per cent of all US homes had at least one television .
6 Although all the words have at least one sense bearing the property for which the root was originally selected , it must be noted that to locate all words bearing a particular semantic feature must involve the careful selection of several roots ( e.g. to find nouns with a [ +female ] feature , sprouts should begin from ’ female ’ , ’ woman ’ , ’ girl ’ and possibly ’ wife ’ ) .
7 Most shops have at least one windsurfing enthusiast , who should be happy to advise you further since you could become a future customer .
8 Many are English , about which I have no objection , but it would be nice if more Scottish pubs had at least one tap for an indigenous product .
9 Based on immunoreactivity , all the carcinomas expressed at least one enzyme , and six tumours expressed all six enzymes ( Table II ) .
10 Rather fortuitously , our residual list of 13 harpsichords includes at least one example by almost every known maker active in London at the time .
11 For instance , the well-known Farmington Plan , which operated from 1948 to 1972 , was a voluntary agreement between 60 American libraries to acquire at least one copy of each new foreign publication that might reasonably be expected to interest a research worker .
12 For this reason ( among others ) families directed at least one son into the Church .
13 Selecting only fathers and daughters described as " compositors " or " printers " , 52 families had a printer father and 38 families had at least one daughter described as " printer " or " compositor " ( 7 families had two daughters so described ) .
14 Mr Forte said the present trading difficulties had at least one benefit — in drawing the Government 's attention to the industry .
15 Gold has , in the past , been a coveted luxury : 38.7% of Azerbaijanis have at least one gold tooth and some have three or more .
16 It is less easy to see it working for low-information products like , say , custard powder — though the popularity of recipes in food ads suggests at least one justification for longer copy even here .
17 All 26 patients completed at least one year of treatment , including 16 patients receiving cyclosporin and 10 patients receiving placebo .
18 The General Household Survey indicates that , nationally , about 58 per cent of households had at least one car in 1980 ( Central Statistical Office 1982 ) but that around 70 per cent of rural households have at least one car .
19 Altogether 118 ( 65% ) of the 181 patients smoked at least one cigarette a day , and the proportion of smokers in each of the histol0gical categories was similar : 10 ( 67% ) of the 15 without neoplasia , 12 ( 63% ) of the 19 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I , 18 ( 64% ) of the 28 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II , 71 ( 66% ) of the 108 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III , and 7 ( 64% ) of the 11 with microinvasive carcinoma .
20 We found that 65% of the patients smoked at least one cigarette a day , a proportion nearly twice as high as that in the general population .
21 The General Household Survey indicates that , nationally , about 58 per cent of households had at least one car in 1980 ( Central Statistical Office 1982 ) but that around 70 per cent of rural households have at least one car .
22 From 1959–1990 , there were 27 cases involving at least one violation — almost twice as many as that of our nearest competitor , Austria .
23 1.10 It appears that nearly all languages make at least one division in the words of their vocabulary , morphologically or syntactically , or in both ways , between those which commonly do instantiate and those which can not instantiate entities ; the former are traditionally called nouns , and there is a very high degree of intuitive agreement in cross-linguistic identification of nouns precisely because speakers of even widely different cultures are disposed to agree in what they regard as entities rather than properties .
24 I have included all accidents involving at least one motor vehicle , sometimes these will also have included pedestrians or cyclists .
25 Life in the Balearic islands moves at only one pace — slow .
26 Three out of four adult North Americans have at least one credit card .
27 And it seems that when they start smoking — and one in three children smoke at least one cigarette a week — teachers may be the last people to discourage them .
28 Fontana et al showed that in the first three years of life 97% of helthy children had at least one vowel movement every other day and after the third year , 95% of the children had this pattern .
29 This , ironically , was a year in which , with 34 of the 40 runners completing at least one circuit in the Martell Grand National and only three horses actually falling , the great steeplechase must have satisfied even its most inveterate ‘ Cruelty to Animals ’ assailants .
30 Not all religious sites were so openly associated with water , however , despite its popularity in Celtic theology , but caution is necessary when trying to identify religion as the primary function for a settlement 's foundation and continued existence , as so many small towns possessed at least one temple .
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