Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at [art] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 Status would allow operators to see at a glance which items of safety-related equipment were in proper working order .
2 I began 1982 with a series of visits to look at the issues which were facing the health service .
3 He walked along the beach , past rows of low cedar huts , his bare feet kicking at the surf which swept in from the north , enjoying the cool water and the tickling sensation of sand being swept between his toes and around his ankles .
4 But two days later he was on duty , coloured bright orange from iodine on cuts and bruises got at the elections which he had attended in the Jlulat interest .
5 He will look for the nine natural colours found at the root which is the healthiest part of the hair and combine them to produce your personal Style Colour .
6 It turns out that the worms move at a rate which is unaffected by the intensity of illumination , but they change direction , to left or right , at a rate which does vary with light intensity .
7 In consultation with colleges in 1989 , we planned the changeover to the new system over three years and three batches , providing , we hoped , a timetable which was not too rushed but which at the same time allowed centres to progress at a pace which met their candidates ' needs .
8 Ellingham diagrams show at a glance which oxide will be reduced .
9 Also excluded from control were dwelling-houses let at a rent which included payments in respect of board , attendance or , more importantly , the use of furniture , the latter exception giving rise to " lino tenancies " ( linoleum on the floor and very little more ) , an early avoidance of rent control approved by the courts .
10 Sidacai looked at a chair which had been placed by the window , but he made no move to sit down .
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