Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) ‘ authorised insurers ’ , ‘ the Council ’ , ‘ practising certificate ’ , ‘ the roll ’ and ‘ the Society ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
2 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
3 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
4 Again , paradoxically , objects are seen as increasingly exchangeable with one another , but also increasingly specific in terms of the particular values assigned to them in the form of prices .
5 Their acute hearing had already informed them that only one set of feet was running in the night , the light footfalls vibrating to them through the drum-like quality of the primeval forest floor .
6 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
7 As a public-trust authority with central government funds committed to it through the Harbour Act , it needed a private bill to get its constitution altered .
8 With its incredible wealth — about £6 million estimated annual income has been suggested — and ownership of about nine thousand manors came inevitable corruption as the Templars took advantage of the privileges granted to them by the Pope .
9 These images came to her from the metal engravings of the conquest of Libya which had appeared in the illustrated journals ; she did not remember the different countries of the Italian empire in question , for all of Africa — Libya , Somalia , Eritrea alike — beat out a rhythm of adventure and spoils and heroism .
10 More abstractly the particularities of circumstance which attended both Julian 's and Margery 's report of their experiences illuminate the position of women and the roles open to them within the heirarchy of spiritual authority in the late medieval period .
11 Last time I met him , he said that words attributed to him in the House had not been words that he had uttered .
12 And this is what I think the dream is trying to tell me , a message so clear now you have shown me the way to understand these voices speaking to us from the hinterland , so to speak .
13 I got back to Ingard House a bit after four o'clock , and went up to rooms 207–8 , the offices allotted to us for the purposes of our audit .
14 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
15 Tim and Oliver were on the balcony , their voices coming to her across the warm stillness .
16 I do n't think anyone will dispute that those are not offices suited to us in the nineties .
17 An agent residing on each client provides the machine with operating operating parameters delivered to it from the application residing on an administrator 's host system .
18 This person was in fact an undischarged bankrupt who wrote to the plaintiff as being recommended by the editor and who misappropriated the funds sent to him by the plaintiff for investment .
19 He tensed , eyes shooting to hers in the mirror .
20 Although , in principle , the communities of interest are allowed to raise in ‘ contributions ’ only the amounts agreed by the delegates from their member ‘ organizations or associated labour ’ , in practice , such organizations have little option but to agree with proposals presented to them by the community managers .
21 He is not entitled to withhold the goods until other debts owed to him by the buyer are paid .
22 The Welsh Office has shown itself barely capable of handling planning matters referred to it under the appeals system .
23 Convocation has a role defined in the Charter : it may ‘ discuss and pronounce an opinion on any matters whatsoever relating to the University including any matters referred to it by the Court or the Council ’ .
24 He knew the way vaguely from the journey the night before and the careful directions given to him by the Prior .
25 When they had passed under the Ponte di Rialto , with a disappointing view of the backs of its double row of shops , she checked the directions given to her by the hotel clerk , and , along with a jostling crowd of people , some tourists , some locals , disembarked at Sant'Angelo .
26 Being certainly lost an opportunity by not being it 's only body there is an editing element in the book publishing section from the P G B and there are elements relating to us in the S P G of the Periodical Training Council and there will be bits of them in the public relations in the marketing one of which I 've got a copy of the draft , but you know there is nothing all embracing B T E C do graphics and journalism but there is no single forum , I mean that 's what so astonishing and interestingly somebody at B T E C told me the other day there 's been a bit of a problem about the the book editing part of the editing level three element um , and that 's partly political as to editing versus production because production 's level four and editing is level three , and that has made some problems apparently
27 By their day-to-day actions , children can also affect the way in which their parents react to them in the most powerful and direct manner .
28 In the autumn of 1930 , the sub-committee was instructed to consult the governing bodies , and the medical and surgical staffs at the voluntary hospitals , ‘ in order to enable the county council to discharge the functions transferred to them under the Local Government Act 1929 , Section 13 , relating to the provision of hospital accommodation ’ .
29 Polisario announced that its forces had begun to relocate in the assembly areas allocated to them for the period of the ceasefire .
30 Every sound , every movement , told her what he was doing … the shoes placed neatly side by side , the braces flicked down over his shoulders , the trousers carefully folded and laid across the back of the wicker chair , his footsteps coming to her over the creaking floorboards ; every sound , every movement … he was touching her now , warm , tickling , smooth , his naked body moving up and down against her , his voice in her ear , soft and loving , fingers probing , his mouth on hers ; the gasp of excitement when he entered her , jabbing , hard , growing excited .
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