Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our next step will be to show how the same two-part chords of Example 114 can be given much more tension through harsh dissonances added in a lower part : The lower part is always a semitone or a major 7th from an upper part .
2 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the barrister 's preserve .
3 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the preserve of barristers .
4 17.54 ( i ) Pupils should have opportunities to write in a wider range of forms , including a number of the following : notes , diaries , personal letters , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , advertisements , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , playscripts. ( ii ) Through experience of a wider range of literature they should learn to produce stories which are more consciously crafted , for example , using some detail in the portrayal of characters or settings or with some attempt to introduce elements of suspense or surprise with a skilfully managed resolution .
5 It was not possible to compare the 26-way tree , reduced memory tree and trie directly with the dawg because the word lists used in the earlier experiments were no longer available .
6 In other words , does the expansion of highly distinctive words result in a greater proportion of useful information ?
7 It is important to note here that although an analysis of individual texts follows , the point of this approach is to provide an overall picture of a pupil 's literary diet across a range of texts met in the lower years of the secondary school .
8 The main pastoral work is to provide small communities of faith where the experiences celebrated in the larger community can be reflected on and named .
9 Tensions submerged in the earlier campaign now came to the fore and led more and more to a coercive policy of sexual regulation , especially of working-class prostitutes .
10 Increasing resistance to the alien forces led to the clashes and controversies described in an earlier Chapter .
11 Many of the canvases produced in the later part of 1906 constitute what might be called a ‘ crisis ’ point in Picasso 's art in that he was becoming increasingly obsessed with creating figures which were heavily volumetric , indeed often almost grotesquely bulky , but which simultaneously adhered or clung to the picture plane : the effect they produce could best be described by imagining a series of pneumatic models pushed up against heavy panes of glass and pumped up with air , so that they get larger and larger whilst simultaneously flattening up against the surface in front of them .
12 Even in the relatively open systems of Western industrial societies , there is considerable evidence to suggest that large numbers of able and talented individuals remain in the lower strata .
13 The object of this chapter is to show how the ideas presented in the earlier chapters can be used to collect and collate information on a specific question : ‘ Can smoking cause lung cancer ? ’
14 The increase in yield and a slight fall in cake costs resulted in a further increase of £5 a cow in MOPF .
15 It is hoped that the general reader will find this interesting as it certainly adds to the understanding of the fascinating discoveries described in the later chapters .
16 The venom glands are modified salivary glands located in the lower jaws .
17 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
18 But you can take a look at the instructions ; if you select the Reveal Codes menu option , the screen splits in two , with the formatting codes revealed in the lower screen .
19 So far , hypertext , and EP generally , have revealed all the same intriguing but infuriating problems encountered in the wider arena of computer science .
20 Together , these levels represent the linguistic knowledge sources defined in the earlier dichotomy .
21 Unfortunately , local managers often think in the short term , whereas senior managers think in the longer term .
22 In many of the experiments described in the earlier parts of this chapter , the context was changed substantially from pre-training to the test .
23 That loss will lie calculated according to the principles outlined in the earlier parts of this chapter .
24 The derivation of the birds from a reptilian ( possibly dinosaur ) ancestor is certain , and because the earliest fossil bird , Archaeopteryx , is Jurassic in age , it is usually assumed that the split from the reptiles occurred in the earlier part of the period .
25 In contrast to the glamour of television stars featured in the earlier story , this one focused on the alleged exploits of a family living in a council house in rural England .
26 Many of these disabilities found in the older age group were related to loss of hearing and sight , and increasing mobility disability , related to such problems as rheumatoid arthritis .
27 This Atlas provides a complete overview of the clinical aspects , pathology , parasitology and ecology of all the diseases encountered in the warmer climates , as well as the parasitic diseases of temperate regions .
28 This Atlas provides a complete overview of the clinical aspects , pathology , parasitology and ecology of all the diseases encountered in the warmer climates , as well as the parasitic diseases of temperate regions .
29 I shall look into the processes involved in a later chapter .
30 It seems that the Rub' al Khali desert of south-eastern Arabia occupies a structural offshoot of the Persian Gulf in which marine sands accumulated in the later parts of the Tertiary period and have since been reworked by the wind .
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