Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] within the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
2 Under these conditions it is necessary to organise all employers operating within the same market to preclude the possibility of a wage increase secured at one firm adversely affecting its competitive position , and therefore employment .
3 But this notion — that one set of activities is serious and therefore by implication another set must be non-serious — is a naive view , for it presupposes that first and second order experiences operate within the same frame and are therefore amenable to comparison .
4 It is determined that local businesses , who have no direct vote to the local authority , unless the owners live within the same district as their firms , should not be driven out of inner-city areas by an ever-escalating rates bill .
5 The Act empowered the Secretary of State to put a limit on the amount if in his opinion the amount proposed to be raised was ‘ excessive ’ according to principles he determined which were to be the same for all authorities falling within the same class .
6 Such a course can then remain relatively isolated , or at least on a par with other courses offered within the same institution on a more traditional basis , or act as a focus for further course development ( through the processes of ‘ accretion ’ or ‘ invention discussed in Chapter 2 ) .
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