Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] down in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rules laid down in a statute would be less flexible .
2 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
3 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
4 According to the Americans , a handful of dogfights during the first week produced a lopsided result : nearly a score of the most modern Iraqi French- and Soviet-built fighters shot down in the air for the loss , possibly , of a single American fighter .
5 But I did see black guillemots swimming down in the bay , and a gully full of boulders where they probably nest . ’
6 So are the precepts laid down in the Sermon on the Mount .
7 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
8 At one stage , fourteen planes touched down in the space of a minute .
9 Our visit coincided with the World Cup ( football , not skiing ! ) and a multinational throng of British , New Zealand , German and Norwegian guests settled down in the lounge to watch the occasional match amidst much merriment , fuelled by the occasional incursion by the proprietor carrying trays of schnapps .
10 The Supreme Court , overturning a ruling by the High Court on March 16 , 1989 , ruled that such offences constituted political offences under Section 50 of the Extradition Act 1965 , and that the principles laid down in the case of Finucane also applied in Carron 's case .
11 Mr. Beazley also relied on the general statements of principle in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Peters case [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 quoted above , which he submitted echoed the general principles laid down in the Gubisch case [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 ; these are important principles , to which full weight must be given , but they can not in my judgment warrant the court placing a construction on the words of article 5(1) which they can not reasonably bear , and moreover they must be balanced against another general principle , laid down for example in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
12 Some perspective on just how limited the reforms laid down in the Declaration of Rights were is provided by comparing them with the proposals for reform which had been made by opponents of the government since Charles II 's reign .
13 An acceding State must satisfy any conditions laid down in the treaty , including the formalities for accession .
14 A haulier taking up credit finance under the 1974 Act must sign a document in the prescribed form to comply with conditions laid down in the Consumer Credit ( Agreements ) Regulations 1983 as slightly amended by the Consumer Credit ( Agreements ) ( Amendment ) Regulations 1984 .
15 Nor will it will get the green light until the United Nations is satisfied that Iraq has fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Security Council resolutions during the hostilities .
16 Indeed , his account of their interests gives the impression — and perhaps gave the same impression to Lanfranc — that they were a lot of old gossips chattering about wonders and miracles and gifts of relics , when they should have been engaged on more serious religious observances , or on the studies laid down in the Rule .
17 Written excavation records once consisted of observations written down in a notebook , but nowadays most archaeologists use printed forms , or even a series of forms , which are filled in to record the evidence not covered by the drawn and photographic records .
18 To his annoyance he found that the Treasurer 's office was now completely empty except for the four telephones set down in a row on the bare boards of the floor .
19 The completion of the Group 's work represents a considerable achievement , and it is on the basis of the Group 's advice on attainment targets and programmes of study that we now make jointly our formal proposals for key stages 2 to 4 in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Education Reform Act .
20 As to the right hon. Gentleman 's last point , there will be no bar to any governor being appointed to the board of an integrated school , provided that the appointment complies with the provisions laid down in the Education Reform ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1989 .
21 A good example is the Civil Aviation Authority determining entitlement to an air transport licence in accordance with the general objectives laid down in the legislation .
22 But Chevenement has created a body which is better equipped to achieve the objectives laid down in the law .
23 Further important subsurface information comes from the several boreholes put down in the search for coal by the Department of Commerce on the advice of the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland .
24 Director of Studies : ‘ Could you relate these 3 criteria to the objectives set down in the syllabus … show us how the objectives fit them ? ’
25 Generating company managers had merely allowed water levels to run down in the hope that the drought would eventually end ; only in March 1992 did they admit to a disaster , announcing nationwide rationing which was currently believed to be costing the economy an estimated US$330,000 each week .
26 I er , move the motions set down in the order paper and , does anybody else wish to speak on this ?
27 and my knickers fell down in the snow .
28 Many parents and teachers back down in the face of a massive tantrum .
29 The surveyor who is appointed as supervising officer may not need a detailed knowledge of the law surrounding building contracts but should certainly have a full working knowledge of the procedures laid down in the contract .
30 The summons on which he made the order was merely a summons which asked for directions and the form in which his order was couched was that of an order nisi which , subject to the time limits laid down in the order , gave an unqualified liberty to apply .
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