Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] as a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even proteins formed as a random sequence of amino acids have some slight catalytic activity .
2 Helplessly she gazed at him , seeing how his pupils dilated as awareness flared , her own eyes darkening as a shivering sigh escaped her .
3 He commences upon the dismantling of assumptions of where the texts are funny or obscene based on modern suppositions of what constitutes obscenity et al. , and puts forward a theory that picks up a suggestion of Nykrog 's concerning the relationship of fabliau and romance : that the fabliaux flourished as a conservative reaction to new notions of gentility and decency in behaviour and especially in language ; new notions that are found most clearly in the literary cult of fin amour .
4 Her eyes narrowed as a sudden dart of suspicion struck home .
5 In the other camp were the advocates , who characterised arts funding as a fundamental department of any civilised nation , and pointed out with some embarrassment that most Western countries devote ten times the per capita budget supported represented by the NEA 's $175 million ( £100 million ) budget .
6 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
7 Hybridization of these same probes to lung sections from untransfected animals served as a negative control against nonspecific hybridization ; neither the human CFTR probe ( g-i ) nor the hisD probe ( j-l ) hybridized to any mRNAs in the lungs of untransfected mice .
8 Very generous pupil — teacher ratios is a feature that prep schools use as a strong selling point to parents .
9 Its rigorous application of the acquis communautaire and the finalité politique to new members will in all probability lead to a Europe too full of contradictions to survive as a unitary bloc .
10 The Billy Graham organisation used to estimate that only ten per cent of their crowds came as a direct result of advertising and , generally speaking , I find that by itself it is the least cost-effective way of marketing events ; the most effective being personal invitation .
11 In contrast H. isolonche in game birds occurs as a clinical entity .
12 This led into a couple of summers acting as a professional lifesaver during summer vacations from Sheffield University .
13 In the early 1980s detectors were becoming even more sophisticated and versatile , particularly in their ability to cut out ferrous metal and locate small coins ; the increase in the finding of Celtic silver minims and medieval hammered farthings stands as a good testimony to that .
14 Moore 's verbal recollections of the mines are much more evocative than the drawings themselves , in which the miners appear as a frozen statuary .
15 The Echo 's CD-Rom covers most item which appear in The Northern Echo , national and international articles aswell as a comprehensive coverage of the region .
16 ‘ Oh , ’ said Charles , in what stage directions describe as a self-deprecating manner .
17 In the former , each character was cast on demand and the composed page was built up either from lines of individual characters ( Monotype 's method ) or from complete lines cast as a single element ( Linotype 's approach ) .
18 It is quite clear that in the 17th and 18th centuries and , indeed , up to the enactment of the Judicature Act 1873 the courts , and in particular the Court of King 's Bench , consistently declined to exercise any jurisdiction over any matters in which a right of appeal lay from the benchers of an Inn to the judges sitting as a domestic tribunal .
19 The enrichment of forms and surfaces acts as a social catalyst .
20 Whatever some observers regarded as a blundering approach was a skilful way of navigating the dilemmas confronting him .
21 The links between politics and patronage can not have been beneficial to the efficiency of the customs service as a revenue-collecting agency , for all too often strong political interests could secure an important post for a man with little or no experience who was placed over the head of men far better qualified than himself , and presumably resentful of their own failure to secure advancement .
22 the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Corporation at March 30 , 1991 and , in respect of the Corporation and their subsidiary undertakings regarded as a single entity , of the state of affairs at March 30 , 1991 , and the results and statement of cash flows for the year then ended , and have been properly prepared in accordance with the direction of the Secretary of State for Energy … , and
23 The filters act as a small sewage treatment plant for breaking down the toxic fish urine , which is in the form of ammonia .
24 RUFs can take two forms : either a single bank acts as a placing agent and arranges for a group of banks to underwrite an issue on a revolving basis ; or a group of banks act as a tender panel for the placement of the notes .
25 There 's growing support for a campaign to get cartoons accepted as a serious form of art .
26 There he met Mohandas K. Gandhi , and spent much of the next 20 years acting as a conciliatory intermediary between Gandhi 's Congress Party and the British Government , latterly as a member of Gandhi 's entourage .
27 The instruction to evacuate the buildings came as a complete surprise .
28 The first and fourth tries came as a direct result of poor USA passes .
29 Dusts acts as a thermal insulator which prevents efficient cooling of the components and results ultimately in failure due to overheating .
30 Though for years denounced as a cheap copy of Springsteen , Mellencamp sounds remarkably human on both his new CD , Whenever We Wanted , and in an astonishingly open interview with the American edition of Esquire magazine .
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