Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had two or three I think , very rarely do we find them and shapers tend to go out on a limb they tend to want to lead they tend to want to control they want people to follow their way they do tend to be the people that dig in and say you know this is the way we do it .
2 The actor who played Dirty Den in Eastenders has gone back to the prison where he was once an inmate .
3 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
4 Did n't fishermen like to go out into the middle of lakes to fish ?
5 After the management fired the union leadership , initially 86 per cent of workers voted to go on with the strike , but eventually they were cajoled into a ‘ second union ’ started by white collar staff who wanted to cooperate with the company ( and many of whom were to receive rapid promotions from the grateful management — see also chapter 16 ) .
6 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
7 Conservationists have gone back to an ancient method of catching ducks , using a dog to lure the birds into a net .
8 Some churchmen have gone along with the new permissiveness by conceding that as long as two people love each other that is all that really matters .
9 Lights began to go on in the dark houses , and I relished my melancholy to the last drop .
10 Our housing market is a disaster , our businesses have gone under by the hearseload .
11 And er , as I say , observing this and watching Hector 's work and how things have gone on over the years , er as you know , there 's been a tremendous revival of interest in driving , so many people have er , restored carts or had new ones built and erm the young farriers who 've never had the experience with driving horses , they have run into problems with erm , keeping them going soundly and overcoming problems which crop up when horses are driven on the road a lot .
12 In the report it says that home repossessions have gone up in the last 12 months .
13 For instance , the beginning could be ‘ It was a nice sunny day and all the fishes decided to go out for a swim .
14 Other imbibers have gone over to the dark side of beer , rejecting the pasteurised lager produced by the breweries .
15 Members began to go out into the country on day trips , and the first cricket match between two deaf clubs in the country , which later led to the formation of inter-institute sports activities of billiards , darts , and other sports , took place on 23rd July 1892 at Manchester between Manchester Deaf and Dumb Institute and the Bolton and Bury Institutes .
16 As might be expected , how useful the process of review is in proposing changes , and the extent to which teachers favoured going on to a second round of the scheme are both significant , those thinking that it is very or fairly useful being slightly positive and those thinking it not very or not at all useful , being slightly negative .
17 He left me to become acquainted with the religious environment , and then handed me a paperback entitled Modern Buddhism in Burma , which he had edited in cooperation with Kenneth Saunders , warden of the YMCA hostel , and already a translator of the Dhamma-pada , a collection of short sayings thought to go back to the Buddha .
18 Then I told him that my friends had gone off in the wrong direction and that I was willing to pay the owner of the moped for taking a message to them .
19 The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop , making for an unnecessary and annoying delay .
20 Hoxha 's statue was pulled down , and there were clashes with police in which up to 20 people were injured according to opposition sources , although eyewitness reports said also that some members of the security forces had gone over to the side of the demonstrators .
21 Rockets continued to go off outside the building .
22 Two divers had gone down into the river during the morning , but had found no item of relevance ; and perhaps would not have recognised its relevance had they found it .
23 Can i do you want figures on commodities I think quite a lot of us are aware that coffee prices have gone down in the last ten years .
24 Other leaders have gone over to the Anaheim Vineyard for training .
25 Nearly all children want to go out in the snow and , if they are suitably dressed , they can have many mathematically rewarding experiences as well as lots of fun .
26 Although most of our Nursery pupils do go on to the Junior and subsequently to the Senior School at Heriot 's , transfer is not automatic .
27 When the men had gone back to the Inn Allen dropped out of the tree and ran down the slope to her .
28 The men had gone back to the bunk shelf and their feet swung , threatening and powerful , beside his face .
29 I kept just killing time until it had gone eleven o'clock and all the cinema-goers had gone in for the late shows , at which point I decided to call it a day .
30 with , with , with it , with it before I actually got involved after negotiations had gone through for the remo for the moving of the tenants .
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