Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] it [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Commission emphasised in its decision that the selective nature of the price cuts , and the circumstances in which they were made , amounted to ‘ loss leader ’ tactics making it impossible for the much smaller competitor in the market place to stay in business .
2 ‘ We are happy to legislate on something which is already happening in the game , in other words to make it legal for the hooker to strike as soon as the ball leaves the hands of the scrum-half — as happens in reality — rather than when it pitches .
3 Moreover , the complex nature of many frauds makes it difficult for the police to prepare a sound case .
4 These advantages make it possible for the miners to produce a high output , of about 3 tonnes per man per shift .
5 It was a style which many of the country 's administrators were familiar with , from their visits to France , and its classical origins made it acceptable to the cultured amateur .
6 Popular permissiveness was reflected in jury verdicts , and the repeal of obscenity laws in several European countries made it impossible for the authorities to police the incoming tide of eroticism .
7 Yeremi snatched it clear of the firing handle .
8 However , the judges awarded it one of the fifth prizes for a War Department design .
9 The Rejects made it 3–1 from the spot after the teams had been deadlocked at 2–2 even with extra-time .
10 The honeypot 's charms make it easy for the Fund to poach skilled personnel from Third World administrations already desperately short of such skills .
11 While in times of war its uneasy location between the Frankish and German kingdoms rendered it prone to the ravages of invading armies , in times of peace , it was ideally situated at the crossroads to the great trade centres of Europe .
12 Churchill favoured having just sufficient troops to make it impossible for the USSR to attack without the need to make such large preparations that its intention to start the Third World War would be self-evident .
13 Mr. Justice Taylor 's report following his inquiry into the Hillsborough stadium disaster commented on the cost of policing and stated : ’ The temptation to the clubs to leave it all to the police is stronger if they are not required to make a realistic payment for police services . ’
14 The appearance of the car was modified when the new bogies raised it higher from the ground , a housing for the equipment was built within the tower , and tinted windscreen panels were fitted to protect the vision of a seated driver .
15 Some prey species such as the oryx ( opposite , top ) , rely on simple , powerful galloping to escape their pursuers , but others , such as the impala ( below ) , employ a more confusing , zigzag escape route , with sudden directional changes making it difficult for the pursuing attacker to strike .
16 The writer has to give it these things to make it real for the reader .
17 A combination of history , tradition and resources makes it possible for the cathedral to set high standards , musically as well as liturgically .
18 Lack of funds through University cut-backs along with his own lack of paper qualifications made it impossible for the Universities to continue employing him .
19 I mean , you can understand that light coloured breeches make it easier for the judge to see where the rider 's legs are against a dark horse .
20 There we would see about 30 pissed-up shaggers giving it some behind the piled-high sun loungers ( no standards ) .
21 The extreme detachment with which Onetti views his characters makes it difficult for the reader to become involved in their fate .
22 In part two : Reaching new heights … mountain bikers find it tough at the top .
23 The essential disunity between the radicals made it easy for the inter-war period to be dominated by the conventional wisdom of economic orthodoxy and sound finance .
24 Men of science want to know everything there is to know , do everything there is to do whether it 's turning a cow into beef burgers in 10 minutes flat or creating the ‘ ultimate ’ erotic experience ; men do it all in the name of progress .
25 Identifying the full cost of courses makes it clear to the voter where the funding gap is .
26 The hip could experiment and buy Coltrane , the mass market could buy Johnny Dankworth 's modern jazz pastiche , ‘ Experiments with mice ’ , in enough numbers to make it seven in the April 1956 hit parade .
27 Many of the women made it clear in the interviews that their concern is not simply to get housework done in the most efficient way and the shortest possible time .
28 The mistrust which their recent sufferings had engendered against all Turks made it impossible for the Serbs to collaborate with the more reasonable spahis , who were themselves the victims of the janissaries , whose leaders were known as dayis .
29 From nose-tip to tail the plane is packed with scientific instruments making it one of the world 's most sophisticated flying laboratories .
30 An odd aspect of the mountain is that although its relative isolation from other hills makes it one of the most prominent peaks to pick out from other far distant tops , the views are rather more limited than one might expect .
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