Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] by a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In social work practice the term ‘ relationship ’ is used to describe the context of the general helping activities undertaken by a social worker in interaction with a particular client .
2 In other words , not for the first time , it was the estate policies pursued by a particular landowner which produced the northern village plans .
3 Formerly the Newspaper Proprietors Association , it now became the Newspaper Publishers Association , marking a shift from member groups dominated by a single proprietor to corporations managed on more orthodox commercial lines and with a wide range of finance .
4 Brassicas , for example , can then be netted against pigeons , or carrots surrounded by a low fence of plastic sheeting to repel root fly .
5 In some cases the government 's attempts to tighten its control and impose administrative and cultural uniformity created nationalist opposition where virtually none had existed : this was most evident in the Baltic provinces dominated by a Germanic aristocracy and in the semi-autonomous Duchy of Finland .
6 These institutions would henceforward all be financed directly from Exchequer funds disbursed by a central body , appointed by the Secretary of State .
7 This is thanks to work by a corrective action team set up in January last year to investigate high and variable losses of caustic soda to the drain .
8 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
9 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
10 The document produces a revenue account with standard headings which it expects will be adopted by most divisions of service , although it recognizes that the detail heads adopted by a particular division will be different .
11 These antibiotics act by a different mechanism from — and thus complement — the existing drugs .
12 Only one league defeat and only seven goals conceded by a mean defence gave Ipswich the crown .
13 Garling entered a total of sixteen drawings for the competition , omitting the block plan , but showing the two offices separated by a wide street .
14 Meanwhile , says Mr Cameron , almost identical stainless-steel cylinders produced by a German competitor and developed under a government subsidy have been approved by the tüv .
15 A CONCORDANCE , as we have said , is a list of all the words used by a particular author , with an indication of where those words are used .
16 Successive state elections have seen the governing parties pummelled by a dismayed electorate .
17 But whatever the motives , the Government 's twin aims of handing back the control of unions to the individual members , and ensuring that trade unions act within bounds set by a democratic state , are ones that should have been promoted by the left .
18 The literary judgement contained in the phrase ‘ almost embarrassing success ’ is offered in another way when the author , writing this time under his real name of J. I. M. Stewart , led his readers to an understanding of a super-hero , spy and adventurer whose exploits were made possible because he had retained the boyhood characteristics nourished by a certain area of reading .
19 We believe that the funds generated by a National Lottery should be used to enhance the life of our nation .
20 Another patient developed a persistent hepatitis of unknown aetiology at six months followed by a normal biopsy specimen at 15 months .
21 A short crossing over the peat groughs to the south and you are soon peering from one of the eroded rocky buttresses down into Grindsbrook , whose eastern fork provides entertaining scrambling over rocky steps followed by a gentle amble , perhaps in the gathering gloom , down the widening track and fields to the twinkling lights of Edale .
22 The distribution of authorship number showed a sigmoidal increase up to six authors followed by a steep fall to seven authors and more gentle fall to 11 authors ( fig 3 ) .
23 Nonesuch is , in publishing terms , a ‘ life style ’ magazine , a publication which brings together a wide range of articles of interest to a group of readers united by a common bond .
24 So this was what Ollie took to doing , reducing his performance to a series of loud inhalings followed by a curt nod .
25 In 1821 revolts broke out in Moldavia and Wallachia , Turkish provinces ruled by a Greek aristocracy under Constantine Ypsilanti .
26 And then it is clear how Darwin has come to be thinking of a species as a population of individuals , with each member differing from every other because arising in a unique sequence of influences exerted by a unique succession of conditions and mates .
27 The only two working models were at the ‘ Ideal Home Exhibition ’ , and there they were working only from signals generated by a personal computer .
28 The overall effect of the system therefore , it could be argued , was to produce a rather impotent self-evaluation which took few risks followed by a local inspection little different from that of any other LEA .
29 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
30 The search steps taken by a genetic learner are of two kinds .
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