Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] by [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Amongst the Democrats Clinton won in Georgia by a sufficiently large margin to assuage some of the widespread doubts produced by the earlier allegations of marital infidelity and draft avoidance [ see pp. 38714 ; 38756 ] .
2 As the months go by a wider range of aviation opens up to them , and the wisdom of a systematic approach to each accident becomes apparent .
3 I 'd like to emphasis the risks taken by a higher-powered woman when dating an office junior .
4 Whilst this may be a mixed blessing because of pupils switching between schools , and different types of schools created by the greater choice .
5 The floor patterns ceased to be confined to the curved , angled or straight lines decreed by the older rules which proposed that certain geometrical figures had great significance .
6 The same is known to be true of the reel-to-reel tapes favoured by the older mainframe computers .
7 It is rarely the case that the correct word is always amongst the alternatives suggested by the lower recognition levels .
8 On Cordia nodosa ( Boraginaceae ) , however , invaders did not increase under these conditions , perhaps because the plant is so pubescent and therefore impassable to large ants in any case : only when lianes occupied by the smaller Crematogaster ants came near did the resident Allomerus demerarae attack .
9 The ordering of the logical forms is therefore very important However , within CLE-I , later processing stages have no opportunity to reverse an ordering between readings imposed by an earlier stage .
10 Labial or Lip Sounds Sounds which may be sub-divided into bilabial : sounds articulated by the two lips , eg/p , m/and labio-dental : sounds articulated by the lower lip against the upper teeth , eg/f/ .
11 This enables the court to correct errors in orders made by the lower courts .
12 Bank loans , and loans made by the bigger finance houses or by bodies such as insurance companies , were not in general subject to credit legislation .
13 In conclusion , cholesterol gall stone patients produce less metastable hepatic bile compared with gall stone-free patients proved by the shorter nucleation time .
14 In 1991 , pre-tax profits increased by a further 31% to £921,919 .
15 It should be noted , moreover , that the ability of the present Call-slip analysis exercise to determine the date of publication of a much greater proportion of items issued ( 97% as opposed to 65% on each of the two earlier occasions ) means that its results are much more accurate , and that the higher incidence of pre-1900 publications recorded by the earlier surveys probably can , therefore , be attributed , in large measure , not to any radically different pattern of reading at these times , but to the fact that the numerous undated call-slips occurring then almost certainly contained a high proportion which related to more modern publications .
16 Er er rejective the issues requested by the earlier policy .
17 For many years the sound of the Precision , whether by accident or design , simulated that of a double bass , with a distinct bias towards the low frequencies emitted by the lower E and A strings , but a comparatively weak response from the other two .
18 Its recovery has been helped by the incentives provided by a fairer distribution of earnings , and Roche 's old skill in winning prestigious assignments .
19 The senate will have the power to veto laws passed by the lower house , and it will take a two-thirds majority in the lower house to override the senate .
20 It is striking , for example , that detailed studies of the relations between religious dissent and the promotion of science in eighteenth-century Britain have located the correlation in expanding northern towns such as Manchester where the ulterior forces were population growth , increase in wealth , a certain social and geographical isolation , a zest for political reform , and a concern for moral values prompted by the seamier side of city life .
21 To achieve this the nurse needs more than facts and skills ; she needs the capabilities represented by the higher levels of the learning hierarchy .
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