Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [been] made [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
2 Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support .
3 This policy posed a general problem for the National WEA , which lacked a clear view on its partnership with other providers , and was an especially acute one for the District where important concessions had been made in earlier years to the Cambridge Board .
4 Several lists have been made of useful hints .
5 ‘ Considerable savings have been made by improving efficiency in our central adminstration where savings of 6.3% have been achieved . ’
6 Firstly the criteria for the mean electorate size for a European parliamentary constituency has previously been used as a justification for ignoring the case for Cornwall , yet concessions have been made in other areas establishing such constituencies that do not meet the size requirement an that 's because it is accepted that European parliamentary constituencies should be created along the lines of natural communities , communities of identity and communities of interest .
7 Responses have been made to English Heritage on the management of England 's heritage and on changes to its role in Greater London .
8 Following the Three Mile Island accident and especially after the Chernobyl accident , various responses have been made by national governments and the International Atomic Energy Agency .
9 Red and green say on the bench and bench covers called bankers have been made for these as well they would be covered as well .
10 A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings .
11 Recent criticisms have been made of several aspects of this approach .
12 However , despite an increase in collaborative ventures criticisms have been made of this form of organisation .
13 Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland warned at the congress that Norway risked isolation from its Nordic neighbours if it failed to re-apply ( earlier applications having been made in 1962 , 1967 and 1970 ) .
14 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
15 Over many years considerable advances had been made in urban environmental quality through better housing , lessening of overcrowding and provision of open space : but national medical standards had not risen accordingly .
16 For example , in the past two years many applications have been made against local authorities ' handling of assessment and service delivery for children with special educational needs .
17 During the last 20 years major contributions have been made to liberal political philosophy .
18 However , an increasing proportion of audit appointments have been made to private sector accounting firms , the intention being to ultimately provide for a 50/50 split of appointments between the Commission 's own staff and the private sector .
19 Impressive translations have been made on such a basis , though usually by poets .
20 Many translations have been made from direct to jungle English as warnings to writers of reports .
21 Comparisons have been made with other ancient Near Eastern law-codes , especially the Code of Hammurabi , and many similarities noted .
22 Exceptions have been made in four areas where the high incidence of large industrial users quickly took up the 15% , but attempts by the EIUG to have the concessions extended have been rebuffed by Littlechild .
23 Considerable advances have been made in recent years in using computer models to understand the intellectual aspects of the human mind .
24 Great advances have been made in this technique because of the interest in skin grafting , and ibroblasts do not transform to cancer cells easily in culture .
25 Allegations of many kinds have been made about that matter and certain aspects of the command economy .
26 JEWELLER Carol Darby could not suppress a smile when she heard that Princess Anne 's engagement and wedding rings had been made by royal jewellers Garrard .
27 Experiments have been made with other ways of attaching the printed pages to the external case .
28 In recent years , too , other changes have been made in English roads .
29 Observations have been made of one turbulent spot appearing in the boundary layer a little way downstream of an older one , whose presence has caused sufficient disturbance .
30 Video-tapes of searches have been made by many organizations and institutions of higher education .
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