Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [vb pp] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Via Rostovtsev , Pozen 's conservative opinions became enshrined in the Main Committee 's unimaginative April programme .
2 The resulting clash of styles has resulted in a forthright , moody range of sensations certainly capable of setting your teeth on edge , if not grinding away in your sleep .
3 The combination of repossessions and building companies ' inability to sell their newly built homes has resulted in an estimated 200,000 properties standing unoccupied .
4 The excessive and unrestricted use of pesticides has resulted in a worrying number of cases of acute and chronic pesticide poisoning among Central American peasants .
5 The number unemployed for more than six months has doubled in the past year .
6 She felt utterly trapped in her small , cramped frog 's body , her knees felt bent in the wrong place and her arms were too short , and it was quite terrifying trying to speak and only being capable of a hoarse croaking sound .
7 There are also major problems with compaction and the abandoned ranches become covered in a stunted tangle of indigenous pioneers and exotics .
8 The first round of the presidential elections was notable for the fact that both main candidates attracted substantially more votes than their parties had received in the parliamentary elections , even though in the case of Constantinescu , the rector of Bucharest University , he had only been named as a compromise choice at the July 27 DCR Congress ( the NLP having left the alliance after its unsuccessful bid to persuade ex-King Mihai ( Michael ) to stand as a presidential candidate ) .
9 Further analysis of their data and of additional data for the period from 1970 to 1975 showed that , though the vote for the two main parties had declined in the 1960s , major party identification had not : in other words , electors — whatever they may have done in the polling booths — continued to express a sense of affiliation with one of the two main parties .
10 Mr Dick Davison , of the Independent Schools Information Service , said a dozen private schools had closed in the last year .
11 For a long moment their eyes remained locked in a fierce battle , until Ace 's image began to shimmer in a sort of haze in front of her , then , quite without warning , Kate passed out ; a great wave of blackness overwhelmed her , pushing all hurt and troubled feelings aside .
12 BAD debts incurred by exporters have soared in the past five years , a survey has revealed .
13 I am very proud , very proud indeed , of what BBC journalists have done in the former Yugoslavia .
14 And although the dominant enterprises in this sense have undoubtedly grown considerably in size , by any measure , over the post-war years it is not obvious that the operating units have grown in the same way .
15 In the latter case , it will meanwhile have the effect of turning literary study into something much closer to the sociology that Marxists have colonized in the modern academy .
16 He worries at the extent to which known Felix pictures have disappeared in the last 30 years , and can detail those that have gone missing from Brighton , The Oval and a Piccadilly pub .
17 The applications of computers to other subjects have resulted in a significant commitment to computing in those subjects , but the subject of Computer Science itself remains at the centre : ‘ systematic approaches to the development of computer based systems ( hardware and software ) ’ .
18 Economic activities have steadily moved from the villages and the rural communities into the towns and the urban areas ; and as employment opportunities have diminished in the rural areas , the village population have moved into the towns
19 Between the extremes stand the work of Ewan and Fiona McLachlan whose designs have featured in a recent RIBA Forty under 40 exhibition .
20 Shells have exploded in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo near the building where the Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd was meeting the Bosnian president .
21 Two brothers have appeared in an Irish court in connection with the Swindon body in the loft murder .
22 Among primates , especially close collaboration between parents has developed in a few forest-dwelling animals as diverse as gibbons on the one hand and the tiny marmosets on the other .
23 Two years ’ hard work by and in talking to in-house experts and visiting other companies has resulted in a new guide for the international offshore oil industry .
24 Recently , a leading member of the West Midlands Area Young Conservatives has written in the national press : ‘ ln the course of the last twelve months 1 have travelled extensively throughout the area in question and , with the exception of extremely isolated individuals , have found no evidence of sympathy for the ‘ libertarian ’ position ’ ( The Observer , May 1985 ) .
25 Although all this was entertainingly unpleasant , in Bira the most genuine threat to our lives came disguised in the quietest way , when we broke the cardinal rule of touching an unidentified creature .
26 The exemplary damages were claimed on the footing that the defendants had acted in an arrogant and high-handed manner by asserting that the water was fit to drink .
27 This most abrasive of Manchester derbies had exploded in the 55th minute with the sending-off of Pointon , the former Everton defender , for a crude and cruel tackle on Giggs .
28 Fry noted that night visits had trebled in the seven years from 1967 to 1974 .
29 If UK companies had recognised in the 1960s or early 1970s the need to enter the high-volume chip business , Juleff thinks that the whole of the British electronics industry would be in a better state .
30 Moreover , from such analysis it was clear that in fact companies had responded in a whole range of different ways to the pressures upon them , and indeed that the nature of those pressures varied between industries and between firms .
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