Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the last morning of his captivity , on 27 November , his guards had shown him a newspaper and in particular a photograph on one of the pages .
2 Gary could remember with utter clarity the first time that some other kids had called him a Spade .
3 She oozes a raunchy sex appeal and her legs have earned her the nickname Thundering Thighs .
4 Welcome back:An aerial stuntman is waiting to find out whether a bungee jump from more than ten thousand feet has earned him a place in the record books .
5 During his years at Oxford , he had spent part of his vacations in France , but those relatively short periods had given him no idea of the chaos that had prevailed since his father 's death .
6 He looked at her and understood why her parents had given her the name .
7 The magistrates chairman told foster parents had given him a chance — it was now up to him to take it .
8 ‘ Just one moment , Mr Angel is free now , ’ she said into the mouthpiece in a voice I had n't heard since Fenella 's parents had paid us a visit once .
9 Yet the regulators have given it a dispensation : the rubbish has to go somewhere .
10 ‘ The parents have visited it every day since Friday , ’ said Mr Campion .
11 My parents have given me an allowance for the next few weeks .
12 The bitterness of repeated daily confrontation with left-wing majorities has given them a steeliness entirely absent from the old-fashioned candidates .
13 What we 've been through in the last few years has brought us a lot closer , and that 's part of the reason I 'm getting out of the rat race of international cricket … certainly for a few years , anyway .
14 The gentleman who was impressed by Leapor 's poems has given her an occasion to debunk any notion that intellectual or personal worth can be judged from physical appearance .
15 She realised that not having spoken to him for ten days had given her a perspective she had not previously had — a perspective on herself as well as him .
16 He looked older , she thought — more mature , as if the events and uncertainties of recent weeks had given him a maturity beyond his years .
17 On March 17 , according to a Reuters report , " military police dragged 14 leaders of the opposition from the presidential palace after officials had denied them a meeting with President Lee " .
18 The haunting sound of the whistle echoing through mountains at night , the thundering plunge across the plains , the astonishing restraint of such powerful giants as they inch in and out of stations have made them the inspiration of poets , writers , composers and film makers .
19 Our experience has been that where we are able to admit a person who is dementing we wonder after a couple of days — How did the relatives manage ? b The past 3 years have shown us the myth that exists in many professionals ' minds about relatives pushing an old person into care .
20 It 's a subject that makes my blood boil and disappointments have left me a blister short of swearing .
21 The banks have given themselves a get-out clause .
22 ‘ It 's as if the gods have given us a gift to use against our enemies .
23 ‘ I do feel that financial managers have done themselves a disservice by just giving the numbers — you have to stop , take the managers through them and be an integral part of the operation . ’
24 And RZB 's willingness to find flexible solutions to trading problems have gained us a reputation for business without barriers .
25 These multi-agency teams have set themselves the task of identifying new cases , providing assessment by a member of the team and recommending suitable services .
26 Mr Mourou , whose efforts to reassure Tunisians of his party 's moderate aims have earned him the nickname ‘ Mr Valium ’ , has now suspended the party 's operations .
27 There is no doubt that Campese is one of the most talented players to have blessed a rugby field and the Australian rugby writers have voted him the Player of the Year .
28 's scientific knowledge , and uncompromising standards and principles have earned him the respect and admiration of any who worked with , or even against him .
29 Its foreign partners have taken what the chairman describes as ‘ symbolic ’ stakes in BCP .
30 Still just 18 , GREGOR TOWNSEND 's precociously talented displays have earned him the chance to go head-to-head with Michael Lynagh this summer .
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