Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Onions , left to go to seed , displayed magnificent fluffy heads , and a host of chirruping birds fluttered excitedly about the varied riches of the wilderness .
2 The search for new policies led additionally to the widespread adoption of monetary targets in most economies , including the UK , apparently giving some acceptance of the monetarist claim that inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply .
3 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
4 Struggling into yet another of the brief garments bought for her by Ross — her trembling fingers fumbling awkwardly with the small scraps of material — Laura dearly wished that she had the courage to chicken out of the whole affair .
5 CHAMPS will be one of the vertical-market products developed further by the independent company — and an announcement is expected in the autumn .
6 Similarly , the Scandinavian antipathy for power-hungry , dominant task leaders in groups fits poorly with the German tolerance of dominant power-holders as a means of getting things done .
7 Booking : At the moment , Crêchendo is London-based ( Putney , Fulham , Battersea , Notting Hill Gate , West Kensington ) and is heavily booked , but there are plans to go nationwide in the not-too-distant future .
8 At a friend 's studio she posed , head on one side and delicate long fingers hanging languidly from the enveloping sleeves of her home-made gown .
9 The frozen lakes and surrounding snow peaks gleamed ethereally in the wan light of a crescent moon and a starspangled sky .
10 It was like a valedictory speech , possibly the last big statement he would utter as Leader of the Opposition , the opportunity to deliver a personal justification of what he did to try and ensure that Labour 's values joined together with the popular vote to save the party from the political wilderness .
11 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
12 The small birds clustered tightly on the swinging coconut were fighting for a firm grip .
13 A survey by US federal scientists has recorded " total failure " to reproduce among colonies of murres — diving birds found widely in the northern Pacific .
14 Human-Computer Interaction : Issues and techniques which determine the usability of computer systems , interactive programming techniques , and novel types of human-computer interface such as computer hearing , vision , speech , and AI systems ; Industrial computer vision systems ; Aiding the work of a programmer producing computer vision systems for specific applications ; Building into such systems the ability to monitor their own performance and adapt appropriately ; Studying the human-computer interactions involved both in the developmental and industrial environments .
15 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
16 The car drove in through the dusty , bleached stone gates to the stone courtyard where a fountain played and cicadas buzzed noisily in the palms and jacarandas moved softly in the hot sea air .
17 The explanation for the lacklustre increase of 260% since 1975 for one of the century 's greatest artists lies also in the variable quality and variety of styles .
18 As Russians penetrated southwards from the forested zone ( taiga ) to the wooded steppe , and then the open grasslands , they built new fortresses .
19 Whilst it is true that parole was advocated in Crime — a challenge to us all , it is true also that in the consensual politics of the day party study groups drew freely upon the available sources of expertise and received wisdom : the penal services themselves , the legal and academic communities , penal reform and other related interest groups , and published material from official or academic sources .
20 Some of the early structure plans were extraordinarily ambitious in their scope : land use plans promised just for a little while to become all-embracing social , economic and ‘ physical ’ documents , with a further clear relationship to transportation matters .
21 Spared that sort of indignity , the 22 horses and riders approached individually for a staggered start .
22 The students are visiting three French cities to discover more about the single European market , an entity which probably received a severe setback last weekend .
23 ‘ There must be ! ’ she wailed , her eyes darting everywhere in a vain hope that there was somewhere she could go .
24 He turned , his eyes resting momentarily upon the dim , grey shape of the funerary couch .
25 FACES WITHOUT HOPE : Bosnian captives peer blankly from a barbed wire compound in the Omarska camp .
26 ‘ It 's my fault , ’ he said later when she was sitting up , her eyes gazing blankly at the opposite wall .
27 This system involves a continuous rotation of paddocks in which the susceptible younger calves graze ahead of the immune adults and remain long enough in each paddock to remove only the leafy upper herbage before being moved on to the next paddock .
28 The few survivors got home via the friendly Greek state of Cyrene to the west .
29 These signals correspond precisely to the characteristic vibrations of the molecule .
30 The complex carbohydrates , which are found in vegetables , cereals and to a lesser degree in fruits , are composed of numerous sugar units joined together in a complex way .
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