Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] out to the " in BNC.

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1 It is a risky policy merely to ignore really aggressive behaviour , simply to let children or teenagers fight it out to the finish .
2 The story of a man compelled to search for a pure virgin , read one evening while his mother was mending stockings , left him ‘ haunted by spectres ’ whenever he was in the dark ; other stories drew him out to the churchyard , where , with his imagination overflowing , he would race up and down through the great avenue of elm trees , and act out among the docks , nettles and rank grass whatever he had been reading .
3 Since they had become used to hospitals it was believed both unfair to them and impracticable in resettlement terms to ship them out to the community .
4 But it was a note from Peter and Marianne , making arrangements to get her out to the wedding .
5 When the best man cleared his throat and announced that he was going to fix the puncture he had before leaving , all Moran 's children followed him out to the road and stood around as he got levers and patches and solution .
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