Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In both of the novels a heroine is involved for committing herself to do something important enough only as itself for example , Elizabeth Bennet walks three fatiguing miles to Netherfield to pay a visit to her ill sister ; Fanny Price opposes her cousins ' attempts to include her in amateur theatricals .
2 Burrows and Hunter 's general conclusion is that " from the views given us by local authorities the 1988 Housing Act 's strengthening of the anti-harassment laws have made prosecutions slightly easier for local authorities but , in practice , there is often a failure to prosecute for a range of non-legal reasons " ( p. 41 ) .
3 Her lack of caution led the trackers to sting her with rubber bullets , and since the summer , she has been much more shy .
4 And yet he took no steps to reintroduce it in later editions .
5 High-speed lifts land you on manicured pistes after well-disciplined and good-tempered queueing : ‘ After you .
6 My heart , to love him ; my will , to do his will , my mind , to glorify him ; my tongue , to speak to him and of him ; my eyes to see him in all things ; my hands to bring whatever they touch to him ; my all only to be a real ‘ all ’ : because it is joined to him .
7 The teacher 's function is to decide what these chains are to be and to take steps to establish them as permanent ways of responding .
8 Despite the principle of ‘ unity of command ’ , the recommendations submitted by the political officer on fitness and promotion through the Directorate 's confidential channels provide him with real prerogatives over the ‘ real ’ officers who surround him .
9 Harold Wilson probably underwent the most disagreeable experience of any Prime Minister in that it was regarded as respectable political tactics to traduce him on any grounds other than political .
10 The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives .
11 Nationalist protestors from Kurdzhali arrived in Sofia ( the capital ) on Jan. 3 to petition the National Assembly , their numbers swelling on the following day to around 10,000 as supporters joined them from several parts of the country .
12 A managerial perspective on organizations presents them as social entities with a collective purpose .
13 if you record your check lists keep them on separate tapes and correctly labelled , so that you can easily find what you want .
14 What do you think of that ? ’ and when Jess stayed quiet , she sighed , moving towards the books to touch them with loving fingers .
15 We join an organization feeling relatively neutral about an external group of competitors but within months regard them as malevolent enemies .
16 When you are looking for such opportunities , however , beware of allowing visual images to blind you to potential problems .
17 Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters .
18 An enormous number of Polish nobles , therefore , had survived the government 's attempts to relegate them to lesser estates .
19 This peculiar quality of solid , clenched abstraction appears in phrase after phrase — " compactness " dwells within the " " compression " " of Horatian metres ; but as soon as a translator attempts to transpose him into English quatrains , things go askew and adrift , because every compression is paid for with an expansion .
20 The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species ' habitats , and in some cases establishing them in new habitats .
21 By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors .
22 Some authorities subdivide them into three types — the down-awn hairs , the awn hairs and the guard-awn hairs — but these subtle distinctions are of little value .
23 Strains developed over the migration of the ‘ vyezzhye belye Kalmyki ’ to Russian territory , since the prince of the Teleuts regarded them as traitorous subjects and demanded their return .
24 I guess Joe Walsh started it , but the two drummers heard it in opposite senses — you can see we 're all laughing .
25 Thick hedgerows surrounded it on three sides .
26 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
27 Instead of prayers to protect us from these sources of guilt , shame and terror Freud suggested that dreams took over , transforming the Gothic horrors into cryptic symbols only interpretable by psycho-analysts , the new priests of nineteenth century rationalism .
28 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
29 Prince charles presented them with three accolades — including his special patron 's award — at the National Training Awards organised by the Department of Employment .
30 But the Australians imported them in large numbers .
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