Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Eyes have it with new sight cure
32 This is a statement of law as it should be , rather than as it is , but there is nothing to stop the courts developing it in this direction .
33 However , it will take several hundred pounds in vet bills to restore him to good health .
34 Levering himself up to sit back on his heels and pulling her easily with him , he lifted her on to his lap , so that she found herself straddling him , her naked breasts pressed against the sensuous roughness of his chest , with only thin swimming costumes protecting her from ultimate intimacy .
35 Each of these companies provided us with detailed information of their purchases , which provided the basis for our estimate of ‘ indirect ’ employment described in Section 3 .
36 A distrust of social revolutions was not absent from their considerations , any more than a distrust of traditional religion whose sacred texts committed it to discontinuous change ( ‘ creation ’ ) and interference with the regularity of nature ( ‘ miracles ’ ) .
37 In my case , my parents used it with devastating overkill .
38 Conflict theorists emphasise that most areas of our lives involve us in institutionalised power relationships , and most of us are subordinate most of the time .
39 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
40 If , however , mutations affect both juvenile and adult survival equally , selection against their early effects keeps them at low frequency , and prevents the collapse of late survival .
41 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
42 Goering and Ribbentrop keep bodyguards to protect them from each other .
43 Searelle invited artistes to contact him by first writing to John , who thus became responsible for their standards .
44 Nails watched it with horrified fascination , and saw it start to slide towards him .
45 Having decided how long the intervention is to last , ask the parents to run it for that time and then immediately return to the baseline condition .
46 Thirty vouchers entitle you to half-price travel for a car and five people across the Irish Sea or the English Channel .
47 Impatience with her own see-saw emotions robbed her of any desire for sleep .
48 Meetings , all companies have them in some way one human being companies .
49 Their exploitation of this recently opened path aroused jealousy among the knights , one of whom refused to answer a charge levelled against him by the Erembalds in the court of Charles the Good , on the ground that his accusers ' lowly social origins barred them from comital justice .
50 The grounding Mr Morrison received at James Dowling 's feet stood him in good stead .
51 Their Citizen 's Charter spokesman Brian Wilson said : ‘ Ofwat 's failure to deal firmly with the greed of the privatised water companies leaves them with little credibility when alleging a need for huge further increases .
52 Looking at the long sweep of the historical past , Temple had seen that ‘ Historical analogies lead us to one conclusion only ’ — that subject races invariably at some point regain their liberty .
53 Both the men in expensive suits meet me on big-suited territory .
54 Subsequently , European partners were bought out and Arab banks transformed them into international banking subsidiaries .
55 David was therefore offered inpatient care for up to 10 days to provide him with intensive support .
56 Maureen Ruchardson , who made a similar appearance in the B is for Book exhibition at the Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead , continues to cook and beat the fibres of local plants to provide us with hand-made paper .
57 The apes provide us with much information concerning possible roots of sociable behaviour in man .
58 But his finest years found him in some competition with another actor who , like Brando , refused to conform .
59 The deal means the French bank will get some of the money it is owed , Madagascar will get debt relief and the Missouri garden will be able to increase its efforts to conserve rare plants , which include training botanists and collecting plants to screen them for medicinal value .
60 The sheer weight of goodwill fax messages told them of this fact .
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