Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the Yair ford , in mass , they turned to cross , the English guards there prudently withdrawing to a discreet distance , while trumpets sounded in all the enemy encampments .
2 In pursuance of this nonsense , you not only hear those few callers who succeed in getting through , you 're also subjected to a cheery stream-of-consciousness summary of the grievances expressed by all the rest .
3 I spent the first eighteen months working in all the factory departments , so I started with a good knowledge of precisely how the product was made and did all the jobs that then existed in the production of confectionery .
4 Guildsmen versed in all the Mystery plays from the Creation of the World to Doomsday clamoured to travel with Garvey .
5 Martina contented herself with a pot of tea , and held her cup with both hands , as girls are bound to do , the fingers spread for all the warmth .
6 Very soon , thought Miranda , looking up at him , irises bruised from all the emotion , ‘ oh , Goldie 'll have no problems , I could swear to that . ’
7 And as we are unlikely to see any real harmonisation of accounting procedures , fiscal requirements or business practices throughout the Community in the near future , pan-European accounting systems will be increasingly important to the large number of UK companies looking for all the help they can get .
8 ‘ There are double and triple checks going on all the time . ’
9 I formed a Party , dashed to London at eleven o'clock at night , and for three days lived in all the tempest of Pleasure …
10 A lengthy article appeared in the Daily Telegraph entitled ‘ Would you like to live in a listed ruin ? ’ ; then pieces appeared in all the rest of the newspapers .
11 The journalist sees new products coming through all the time , and though some of them represent a real breakthrough in their field most are not really very exciting .
12 They watched with detachment , and even with satisfaction , as the Masai began at the eleventh hour to organize themselves to resist what they feared would be the encroachment of agricultural peoples on their land , not as traditional appendages of the Masai way of life , but as conquerors armed with all the power of the modern state .
13 We wo n't actually make or do anything , but it will be really neat lying in the meadows thinking about all the money we are making on off-shore tax haven related business .
14 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
15 It is important that an orchestra has new young players coming in all the time — we recently had a young Polish violinist who is one of the orchestra 's concert-masters , he is very promising , and full of music — but sometimes players leave us to fulfil their own dreams and ambitions .
16 You would be expected , often at a very short notice , to deal with the legal problems and issues arising from all the support services required for the operation of the employer 's business such as the marketing and advertising of products and services .
17 Reading about revolutionary feminism really grabbed me , reading about an analysis that saw male violence as crucial , and as one of the main issues for women and something that women die from all the time , many , many women .
18 This picture is complicated should one or , especially , both of the plates be carrying a continent : the two continents collide with all the subtlety of a road accident .
19 There are main clinics attached to all the university hospitals , and the training , both undergraduate and postgraduate , is thorough and comprehensive .
20 There are clinics attached to all the university and large municipal hospitals , but the government has shut down the local clinics because they deny that there is any problem .
21 The whole prison was in a confusion of sound , with the echo of slamming doors added to all the rest of the row .
22 These recommendations go on all the time , but they are recommendations and that is all .
23 the square roots obtained from all the interest category loan components are totalled and then each individual square root is calculated as a percentage of that total .
24 The need for change was reinforced by a series of briefings held with all the workforce which highlighted shortfalls in communication due to the management structure and the need to respond quicker to customers .
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