Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( ca ) ‘ foreign lawyer ’ and ‘ registered foreign lawyer ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them by section 89 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 ;
2 How do pupils , particularly the girls , respond to the new titles designed with them in mind ?
3 She rearranged herself in another pose , her legs curled under her like cat .
4 The Labour government 's priority from 1964 onwards was the servicing of the economy in response to demands made on them by capital ; in so far as working-class girls could have contributed to this , it would have been only in those unskilled jobs for which greater or better education was not required .
5 Young lads who up to this point have had no real demands made on them by society , who have been spoiled and indulged by their mothers , who have followed their own inclinations entirely and have been tolerated in nearly everything , suddenly and incomprehensibly find that they are the subjects of a spiteful atrocity in which they are abused , assaulted , victimized , mutilated and sometimes threatened with death itself .
6 Do you ever feel that life is getting on top of you or that you want to run away from the demands made on you by career or family ?
7 Has it been a distinctive political culture , citizens being prepared to acquiesce in and , when called on , to support the demands made of them by government ?
8 Even among the great majority of youth who bowed more readily ( or with forced conformity ) to the demands imposed on them in wartime conditions , the ‘ führer myth ’ was losing its potency .
9 All too often moralists tend to regard a person 's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance .
10 This enables a student to optimise the opportunities presented to him without prejudice to his progression through the examination system .
11 From this angle he could see what he had not noticed before : the drawer of the cabinet , open by a few inches , and , inside , picked out clearly in the lamplight , an envelope with two words written on it in Greek .
12 The Fulton Committee was not , by its terms of reference , allowed to look at the relationship with Parliament but , as a result , it blamed the service itself for many characteristics imposed on it by virtue of this relationship .
13 Worries streak towards him like enemy spaceships in one of Gary 's video games .
14 Eighty pairs of eyes focused on them with interest , clearly thinking them Dickensian relics .
15 Whether or not it is sensible to invest in a tailor-made structure depends on the capitalized value of the savings derived from it in relation to the present value of its costs .
16 He was bent in the act of locking the car as Maggie came up and he straightened to a considerable height , dark eyes running over her in astonishment .
17 ‘ Do n't you have any legs ? ’ he suddenly rasped , his hands on his lean hips , his black eyes running over her in exasperation .
18 He stopped and stared at her rather alarmingly , his eyes running over her from head to foot .
19 But when Maria Filippa heard Davide laugh , she twisted up from her stricken position and her eyes fixed on him with hatred , ‘ You 're laughing , are you ?
20 Nikos looked at him with scorn , scooped up the remaining papers and went out .
21 For a moment the two gentlemen stared at him in perplexity , as he shook his head , bubbling over at some private joke , until he caught the puzzlement on both faces .
22 Piers looked at her with interest .
23 He kissed Laura , sat down , and tried to bring the two subjects put to him into order , and under one heading .
24 His voice was quiet , matter-of-fact and kind , and his eyes smiled at her with interest and curiosity , she thought , beyond the mere charm he must use by native grace upon all who came near him and were weaker than he .
25 Her words ran into him as love , like a shy declaration .
26 In the 1080s , when Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz wanted to retire to become a monk , his cathedral clergy wrote to him in horror , stressing a traditional view : ‘ Nothing in the world surpasses the life of a bishop ; every monk or recluse and every hermit , as being of lesser importance , must give way to him . ’
27 ‘ My father was a professor of Roman studies and he chose it , ’ she said automatically , but then her eyes flicked to his in alarm .
28 Her reminiscences were a delight to Constance and the things she learned from her friend 's rambling monologues stayed with her for life .
29 To look across and see that gorgeous smile , find those brilliant eyes burning at you with desire and love , instead of derision and mockery .
30 The unspoken law of street and playground , the economic and social pressures of decay ( and the disenchantment which it brings ) , often offer a stark contrast to the views and values presented to them in school .
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