Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] to the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The work of solicitors goes back to the 15th century and as time has gone on they have become increasingly influential .
2 Some of his compositions are based on songs dating back to the mid-fifteenth century .
3 The village is situated on a very steep hillside with steps leading up to the next row of houses .
4 At least 12 other women candidates went through to the second round of voting .
5 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
6 I am especially pleased to welcome JCI back as a shareholder , a position they held from 1918 until 1979 , cementing the close relationship between our two companies dating back to the last century .
7 The school , whose origins go back to the twelfth century , has been moved to a new location .
8 Areas found to be at risk include ancient woodlands dating back to the last ice age , internationally rare lowland heaths , meadows and marshes containing many rare species of plants , flowers , animals , birds and insects .
9 Ficulle is a small town with ancient origins , which still retains some of its medieval walls and watchtowers dating back to the 13th century .
10 The weeks leading up to the seventh round were busy with the launch of various diplomatic initiatives .
11 A series of beats are held , usually with the first four boards going through to the next round , culminating in a final .
12 Anyone trying seriously to find out what was in the public mind at the time of the Boer War and the years leading up to the First World War will find information here of great value .
13 In the years leading up to the First World War the Hooligan embarked on a remarkable career , appearing in name if not in person before numerous governmental and semi-official bodies of enquiry .
14 The days leading up to the fifth anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power station , in the Soviet Ukraine , were marked by a series of reports on the consequences of the accident ( which occurred on April 26 , 1986 — see pp. 34460-62 ) .
15 In addition , the 16 teams to go through to the third round will each receive an illustrated copy of The Guinness Book of Cricket Facts and Feats .
16 The reputation of Vertus 's richly perfumed still red wines goes back to the fourteenth century ; in the seventeenth century these wines were favoured by William of Orange .
17 People were coming out from Palm Sunday Mass at the church of Ognissanti , pausing to chat to families going in to the last service and then passing under his window carrying sprays of olive leaves .
18 We were able to confirm the histories of families going back to the 19th century .
19 Although some attempts at tackling air pollution problems date back to the last century or even earlier , most countries introduced their strategy for air pollution control in the 1950s , 1960s or 1970s .
20 Coloured eggs date back to the fourth century when it was forbidden to eat eggs during Lent ( the days leading up to Easter ) .
21 The Government investigations paint a picture of decadent fraud flourishing in a climate of lax controls dating back to the 19th century and policed by professional advisors who paid insufficient attention to the task at hand .
22 Almost 35 million Americans tuned in to the first , two-hour pilot , making it the most watched TV movie of the season .
23 The three players walked off to the next tee .
24 Nor has the Department decided whether it is going to contribute towards the considerable capital cost of new computers , causing doctors to put off to the last minute a decision on which system to choose .
25 the cherry and whites won through to the last eight by beating London Scottish at Kingsholm on Saturday … the score twenty … to seven
26 The origins of Coombe House lie in the 14th century ( the surrounding farms date back to the 10th and 11th ) ; today it is a Georgian building with an attractive garden , the perimeter of which has been left to flourish without the interfering hand of man .
27 He pointed out that trade secrets falling in to the third category would subsequent upon the judgment of the Court of Appeal , be protected under an implied term of the contract and therefore an expressed restrictive covenant would not be needed to protect trade secrets or their equivalent .
28 The Founders moved on to the next question .
29 The combination of bishopric and monastery was one of the main results of the tenth-century monastic revival , and it had tenuous threads going back to the seventh century .
30 All the increases that he has just quoted — in the number of pupils staying on to the fifth and sixth years and in the number of social workers — are down to the fact that all the regional authorities in Scotland are controlled by the Labour party and they see as their spending priorities the need to create educational opportunities for young people and to provide home helps for old people .
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