Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Huy understood why he had been dropped here , from where a large number of roads led off back to the various parts of the city , but guessed that they had underestimated his knowledge of the twisting muddle of streets that formed the harbour quarter .
2 In March I joined a CPRW delegation which met the senior Welsh Office planners and statisticians to find out more about the basis of the population and future housing projections given to the eight Welsh counties by the Secretary of State for inclusion in their Structure Plans .
3 Because the polling system is new and complex , the results will not be known for several days , but most observers expect the local party 's candidates to come in far behind the Popular Front and other unofficial groups .
4 On 20 January 1920 a detachment of Polish soldiers in greatcoats and four-cornered caps waded out knee-deep in the icy Baltic .
5 Here the spreading main branches show up well against the snow .
6 Twenty containers later , the movements NCO came out with the rest of my day 's details — five trailers to cross-load ready for the Bicester lads to pick up later in the afternoon .
7 The question of borrowing covered top cars came up again in the autumn of 1931 .
8 A beggar , his face covered in sores , his legs cut off just beneath the knees , scampered about on wooden crutches .
9 Each of the words came out separately with the force of an oak peg hammered into a hole .
10 However , when she wrote down ‘ I 'm afraid that if I find a man who loves me … , one evening , she was amazed to find words spilling out on to the paper .
11 Lots of people from the restaurants park down here in the evening , but I only just realized , talking to my wife , that it had actually been there all day as well .
12 A broad terrace ran round it with tufts of herbs growing on it and broken steps leading down on to the ruins of a lawn .
13 The offices faced out on to the wolf enclosure and as he looked at the pack huddled by the iron fence in the snow he thought how right they looked for once .
14 Dropped by helicopter at Fifth Reef Pipeline , he saw the mother of all waves rear up out of the water .
15 His words flowed down smoothly as the black cloth of his soutane .
16 All kinds of signals going up there to the score board .
17 At every stage new groups of showmen sprang up out of the maelstrom of society .
18 After what seemed like several hours but was probably only a few minutes , we heard an aircraft approaching , and heads popped up all over the hut .
19 The jaws and chins become much heavier and the bulging eyes stare out vacantly at the spectator .
20 His body was huge and ponderous , his skin pachydermatous , wrinkled and grey , and his three-cornered ears stuck out absurdly under the sparse fringe of colourless hair .
21 The servants had realized what was happening , and brought ladders to climb up on to the roof .
22 Some stores along trendy Melrose , still virtually untouched , are guarded by their owners , luxury cars pulled up on to the sidewalk to block the entrance .
23 There was a fine blue sky with great white clouds in the distance , and even the restless tiger had stopped still and was dozing , his great eyes staring out peacefully on the world as he occasionally licked a paw and groomed himself .
24 They zigzagged around tree trunks and saw the dark shapes scurrying along out of the corner of their eyes .
25 Their voices ring out cheerfully from the uncluttered surfaces .
26 It is clear too that sculptural dedications fell off sharply after the return .
27 But the hens eased off here for the the start of the the cultivate ley the land .
28 From under fierce black brows a pair of hazel eyes looked out calculatingly at the impersonal kitchen , made spotless by the ministrations of a Dutch cleaning lady .
29 And they were expecting , of course , a well-run settlement , a sort of East Anglian kibbutz , where the members had appointed duties , where vegetarianism prevailed and brown rice had an almost holy significance and discussions on mystical or occult or philosophic subjects went on long into the night .
30 A play runs for two weeks , but books stay up there on the shelf .
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