Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities promised to look into the complaints in order to defuse the situation .
2 ‘ I 've come to find you ! ’ he cried , struggling back to his feet ; but the words seemed to blur into a shout that was almost meaningless .
3 Anton , the old répétiteur , even older than Busacher , sat down at the piano and the thin embarrassed voices began to tingle into the air , picking up a little courage as they went on .
4 Nikos started to come into the room , stopped and withdrew unobserved .
5 Authors had to economize in the number of illustrations they used , and readers had to get into the habit of turning a number of pages to find a relevant picture .
6 Dads had to jump into a lake from a rope-bridge just above the surface .
7 Both parties wish to enter into an agreement whereby category ‘ A ’ and ‘ B+ ’ paintings which include the most significant paintings of the Collection be loaned to a Spanish Foundation for their maintenance and public exhibition for a period of up to ten years .
8 However , there are many exceptions to this rule because animals need to tune into the frequencies important for their survival .
9 To the resident population of inner London must be added the one million commuters estimated to travel into the city each day as well as visitors and the increasing numbers of homeless people .
10 One by one some of Europe 's more unfancied golfers began to eat into the U.S. lead , courtesy of some dreadful American blunders on the final hole which brought back memories of the match at Muirfield Village two years before .
11 CD satirized the University 's political and religious conservatism in The Examiner ( 3 June 1843 ) in a piece entitled ‘ Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Condition of the Persons Variously Engaged in the University of Oxford ’ ( MP ) .
12 CD had already satirized the Movement some years earlier in a piece for The Examiner ( 3 June 1843 ) , ‘ Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Condition of the Persons variously engaged in the University of Oxford ’ ( collected in MP ) .
13 There is a low chance of success in identifying companies intending to diversify into a sector other than the occasional press statement .
14 The model predicts that as time passes these individuals expect to move into a job with longer duration , ceteris paribus , as one would expect ( see footnote 3 ) .
15 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
16 He still uses primary colours , but the subject for example , the yellow New York taxis with their red tail lights appears to dissolve into a wash of more subtle hues .
17 A search of this size is impossible with the printed OED , where you are restricted to just those quotations including " love " which the original editors decided to put into the entry for " love " .
18 But I 'm also a perfectionist and I 'm a bit lazy so , with two small children , when things start to slip into the chaos zone , I just give up .
19 Reinforcements were called and 25 police officers had to wade into the crowd to calm the situation .
20 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
21 Moreover , a substantial proportion of the council housing built on low-density suburban estates in the inter-war period has now been incorporated into the owner-occupied sector and no longer provides a route for lower-income households wanting to move into the suburbs .
22 The pirates began to jump into the hole , and to dig in the ground with their fingers .
23 and you know the things he gets up to , he , well there 's two burglars trying to get into the house , well , he shoots , he shoots them down there both got their little pop guns and that and he , and he flings irons at them and that and , and marbles and ee , ee , you know , then the mother realizes like when she 's on the plane that she 's left her son at home er , the , the film 's , the film 's good , do n't you feel like anything like that ?
24 He said there are parts of Britain including Leicester , Bradford and East London where ‘ you can not feel at home ’ and warned of a ‘ tidal wave of North Africans poised to flood into the UK . ’
25 As the Merseysiders struggled to get into the match , Beagrie picked up a short corner on the left and let fly with a tremendous swirling drive that ricocheted into the net off the post .
26 ‘ By making your best features look good , the bad bits tend to recede into the background . ’
27 Obviously he was then lucky that a lot of outstanding players began to come into the team at the same period , men like Richards , Greenidge , Roberts , Holding , Croft , Garner , and he had material of the highest class on which to work .
28 She hovered for a brief time over the trunk of the tree , tears streaming from her eyes , shuddering as the axes continued to cut into the wood , shaking her head from side to side .
29 I think the point has been made er and let me er ask you to correct me if I if you do n't i it 's a fair assessment , the point that 's really being made is there is a judgmental issue here as to whether a surplus arises from over-funding by an employer er substantial investment performance or or effectively unfair claiming between either the deferred pensioners or the pensioners and i it can be that all of those interests have to put into the pot and it 's a judgment as to who actually is doing best in what circumstances .
30 The patterns appeared to jump into the room !
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