Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Investigations are continuing to discover how the two cars came to collide at the Great Stainton crossroads on the narrow road .
2 However , the same block grant system was retained , and the GREA formulae tightened to produce at the local level deductions of grant for all levels of expenditure .
3 In the first quarter of this year we 've seen more moderate growth in those geographical areas but in nineteen eighty nine nearly forty percent of Pearson 's trading ca profit came from economies outside the U K and North America and we expect our activities in these other areas to continue to grow at a satisfactory rate .
4 Why so many of the other directors chose to sell at the same time is not known to me .
5 So why did US companies fail to invest at a higher rate ?
6 Planners need to look at the long term provision of locally based day care as well as reviewing current provision in terms of suitability , costs etc .
7 So this was quite a mission which I believe has not been adequately covered in the history and was a forerunner of things to come and like I say we got through that mission without any damage , our gunners got to shoot at the first German fighters and we were an experienced crew with one mission under our belt .
8 Luckily , one of the participants had to withdraw at the last moment and taking her place on the team , I went off in search of sponsors .
9 His fingers began to scrabble at the coarse edge of the steel plate .
10 News of the victory spread as the clans began to muster at the appointed time at Glenfinnan , which , with the mountains rising all around the tranquil waters of the loch , provided an intensely dramatic setting for the formal beginning of the campaign .
11 Like writing , paintings seem to hint at a topsy-turvy world in which , so to speak , time 's arrow moves the other way .
12 Some of these changes seem to occur at an early stage of the neoplastic process .
13 Overall this looks to be a group with the physical and mental resources needed to play at the top level in New Zealand .
14 There have been a number of studies attempting to look at the vexed question of the effect of healing of oesophagitis on oesophageal function .
15 Nevertheless , the farmers had to sell at a controlled price and vast sums were retained by Britain , exporting cocoa for dollars .
16 ( 8 ) The more female ducks the males have to look at the more time they spend looking at them .
17 This argument is fully summarised by Cooper and Clark ( 1982 ) but , put briefly , it is that for full employment in the future businesses need to invest at a certain rate in new equipment .
18 If CFC emissions continue to increase at the current rate , they would cause an extra 2C of warming over the same period .
19 Should two adjacent needles try to tuck at the same time , there is nothing between these two needles to actually hold the loops on to the individual needles , so the loops become just one loop , which often falls off both needles .
20 In general , corresponding developments tend to occur at a lower value of Rayleigh number when the Prandtl number is lower .
21 Because the embryos begin to swim at the blastula stage they must be trapped in a nylon net to keep them still , the square holes providing micro-aquaria through which sea water is slowly passed .
22 Their Lordships refused to look at the internal workings of Parliament stating that if errors had occurred in the procedure for passing legislation then it was for Parliament alone to correct them .
23 To avoid the chaos that would arise if , for example , several users wanted to print at the same time , the resources of a network may be controlled by ‘ servers ’ .
24 Most bottom-dwelling trilobites preferred to live at a particular water depth , or on a particular type of sea bottom ( mud , sand or lime ) .
25 The three men start to speak at the same time .
26 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
27 On International Women 's Day , over a hundred women arrived to protest at the male domination of the event : they wore white featureless masks inside the hall — to symbolize women 's invisibility-and , in men 's suits , held a mock inquiry outside .
28 And somehow all her own reservations and objections seemed to evaporate at the same time .
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