Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Irish scrum-halves tend to arrive on the scene than at 22 .
2 In public bureaucracies there may be conflicts of interest between different levels of the hierarchy arising from the values which different strata bring to bear on the policies being pursued by the government .
3 It must be said that in Britain the new public library authorities created in 1972 have in many cases failed to capitalize on the opportunities for better stock provision which the larger units were supposedly able to achieve .
4 The words seemed to linger on the air .
5 But the undertone was exceedingly fragile , with many traders prepared to bank on the FT-SE falling below 2,200 points in the next few weeks unless the 15 per cent rates do turn out to be just a short-lived shock .
6 He pressed in the number , then Bryce 's name , his face bathed in a green glow as first figures then images began to appear on the screen .
7 E/3 all-metal cars began to appear on the Thornton Heath route 42 .
8 Ideally , of course , there should be the choice , especially for islanders having to work on the mainland who want to come home for the weekend .
9 In thanking the groups , Hasan Kaker said : ‘ The continuous pressure which you and other human rights organizations brought to bear on the Kabul government ultimately resulted in my release …
10 Frogs love to bask on the surface of dense aquatic vegetation
11 What local ‘ MPs and candidates had to say on the day the election date was named :
12 Even in Sicily , where unemployment is high , Tunisians come to work on the boats for low pay , no questions asked .
13 The 1893 Act allowed institutions a Parliamentary grant per pupil , but only if the institution/asylum met the standards set by the periodic visits of Her Majesty 's Inspector , so in order to meet these standards and obtain their grants , schools had to improve on the conditions in which the pupils were taught .
14 The Englishmen and the Norwegians wanted to stay on the ice all winter .
15 Despite the apparent progress at the UN , the Jakarta meeting ( JIM 3 ) ended early after the Cambodian factions failed to agree on the wording of a final communiqué .
16 The adjustment to the rise and fall is difficult because it is always sticky , the wood chips tend to collect on the travel of the sliding table making the action very bumpy , the sliding table is always out of adjustment for one reason or another .
17 Many other companies intend to vote on the Taurus resolutions at their 1992 agms .
18 Some of these sanctuaries appear to lie on the boundaries between civitates , an indicator that they almost certainly date back to the Iron Age and marked tribal limits .
19 Companies appear to rely on the perceptions of their own managers on the spot , with a loyalty to head office .
20 Companies wishing to register on the EC eco-audit scheme will have to lodge an externally verified environmental statement with a competent body and Coles is hoping the IEA could take on the role of approving accredited verifiers .
21 As concern in Western countries began to focus on the treatment of Tuareg nomads in northern Mali and Niger , the governments of both countries denied reports of massacres or summary executions of " rebels " .
22 From January 1987 a system of periodic licensing was introduced , whereby nurses , midwives and health visitors wishing to remain on the SPR , and so maintain their eligibility to practise , must pay a periodic fee every three years .
23 There were just the whitehorn and brier of the hedges , the green ridge of the lane inside the wheel tracks , the wild strawberries starting to darken on the banks .
24 And then other countries started to get on the band-wagon and erm , find their own tunes .
25 The trial judge had found that the plaintiff 's exposure to high levels of oxygen had materially increased the risk of suffering RLF and the defendants had to show on the balance of probabilities that the exposure did not cause the RLF .
26 So I would advise visitors to telephone to check on the availability of fuel .
27 So the whoopers tend to congregate on the lochs near the sea , many of which are fertilised by nutrients draining from the surrounding croft — and farmland .
28 Colin Strang Steel who is dealing with the sale told Outdoor Action ‘ Some of the potential buyers want to live on the island , but I would n't expect it would be full time .
29 Other ideas seem to operate on the mind with great force , but they are not conscious , nor readily recalled to consciousness ; they are unconscious .
30 It spun and shivered on the air , and the threads and the filaments began to descend on the Court , covering them with the strong powerful magic .
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